Showing posts with label 2nd amendment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2nd amendment. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 09, 2016


This letter is a contribution from my SIL's grandfather.  He spent many years in Air Force intelligence working with the CIA and NSA and we are both columnists.

       Sometimes I imagine that I’ve fallen into some deep crevasse miles from where my screams for help could ever be heard.

       It’s sort of analogous to the hopeless feeling I got when I was forced to recognize just how many gullibles, ignorant dolts, mentally deficient ideologues, and morons there are that are registered to vote, and unfortunately for our beloved country, show up at the polls.

      Eighteen-year olds should never have been given that right unless they were wearing a uniform. That said, it’s my opinion we’re at the crisis crossroads of my lifetime.

     If we don’t find a way to blow a hole through ignorance, apathy, bigotry, stupidity and mental laziness to elect Trump even if it’s a perceived by-far the lesser of evils; the party, if there ever was one, is over and gone and my great-grand-kids and yours will be the ones to suffer for mistakes made.

    There are no guarantees except death, and that’s inevitable.  Americans have made some terrible Presidential choices throughout our history. During my lifetime, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama are by far the worst in more than a century! 

     I truly shudder at the thought of another arrogant sociopath, pathological liar, and treasonous criminal succeeding the current arrogant sociopath and liar. Let’s look at some contrasts between the current candidates: the criminal and the annoying egotist.

    Trump wants to build a wall and stop illegal immigration and block refugees from Islamic nations who can’t be properly vetted (See McCarran-Walter act of 1952, which Jimmy Carter used to block immigration of Iranians). Look what’s happened in Europe!

    With virtually no borders, the European nations are being overrun by Muslim peoples who refuse to assimilate into the societies they enter. They follow an extremely dogmatic and misogynistic religion that espouses more hate than love. Gays and non-believers (e.g., Christians, apostates, etc) are to be shunned or killed. Females are nothing but chattel.

    Hillary wants no prevention of illegal immigration and wants to increase the risk of terrorism on our precious soil by all but clearly inviting un-vetted, potential ISIS operatives to come through the currently wide-open and unguarded gates of Syrian refugee immigration. This is just like leaving the doors and windows of your house unlocked in a high crime neighborhood.

  The difference is stark; “Shrillary” wants to gamble our lives, Trump doesn’t, he’s the clear choice here.

    Hillary’s on record as saying outsourcing of jobs to other countries can’t be stopped. What that really means is her husband duped voters and stupid politicians (oops that’s an oxymoron) into helping outsource millions of jobs via NAFTA which helped them get rich.

    Trump says he can stop outsourcing. Maybe he can, maybe he can’t, but we know Hillary won’t! She’s on record! Clear choice, Trump!

    Hillary’s mentor and a person she was enamored of was “Rules for Radicals” author Saul Alinsky. She was an acolyte, interviewed him and wrote her thesis about him and the “Rules”. He was the expert on community organizing and Obama and thug William Ayres were fellow acolytes.
    Trump’s radical ideas are to help us achieve prosperity again, individually and as a nation. Hillary is promising four more years of change without hope. Clear choice, Trump!
   Another contrast, Hillary wants to help Obama transform America into a third world socialist mess (see Greece and France) where the promise is a “chicken in every pot stolen from those who worked for their chicken.”

   Trump wants America to recapture her once premier position as a leader of the free world, regain form as business friendly, again become a manufacturing giant, and rejuvenate a neglected military destroyed by eight years of Obama (that Hillary wants to continue) in order to regain a preparedness second to none.

    Hillary has demonstrated her hatred of our military and her thorough disdain for people who wear the uniform at least from the time she was first lady, if not before. No way in hell should this arrogant, self-centered harridan ever become CIC. Again, a clear contrast to the “Donald” who always shows deference and respect to those who defend.

    Trump repeatedly condemns the fascism of PC that is invading every aspect of our daily lives: free speech is attacked on campuses by professorial nit-wits and their ideologically indoctrinated nit-wit students; majority rights are abridged in favor of the minority at every turn, the end-game being political divisiveness as a means of grabbing power.

     How about perverts having the option to choose whatever bathroom they want with Target stores’ blessings? PC is so fascistically ludicrous some idiots are demanding the right to not ever be offended.

    The ultimate reason why Trump must be the choice is SCOTUS. Hillary can totally wreck the country by appointing activist judges who would abrogate the constitution piece by piece starting with the 1st and 2nd Amendments.  WE MUST ELECT TRUMP AND PENCE AT ALL COST!
Aug 8th, 2016


Friday, May 15, 2015

Is the 2nd Amendment still relative in a modern society?

A well regulated militia is part of the 2nd Amendment

 The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

In a city of over 8.4 million people, “hundreds” marched this past week across New York City’s Brooklyn Bride to protest… owning guns.  It’s the 3rd year in a row the group (Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America) has staged the march.

Let’s take a rational look at some of the info that was stated as hard fact by the media.  According to the CDC 80 gun deaths happen every day in the USA.  What?  That is a staggering number of murders!  My first impression was that we should do something until I read that the FBI stated “61% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. are suicides.”  Wait, so 2 out of 3 deaths by guns are self-inflicted?  That changes everything, right?  Danged math!

I am reminded of what a Russian truck driver told me one day, “In Russia, when we want to kill someone, we use a hammer.”  The poor security cop at the Houston area Wal-mart was stabbed 14 times by a zealot with a large hunting knife.  A Washington D. C. cop was attacked by a misguided religious fool with an axe.  The guns, the axes, the knives, and the hammers are all safe in the right hands.

I grew up post WWII in a house with guns.  My older sister and 3 younger brothers knew about the guns, where they were kept, and where the ammunition was.  I never touched them and neither did they.  My dad was a hunter and I shot my first game when I was in the 5th grade.  By the time I was in the 9th grade, we moved to a remote area and I got my 1st shotgun; a 12 gauge single shot.

My younger brother, who was more mature than I, got one also.  My dad warned us to not load the shotguns until we had arrived at the place we would hunt and to “keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction” and we did.   Other than one time when we borrowed 2 “Spanish-made” double barrel defective shotguns, we never had an issue, but that’s another story.

By the time I qualified on the rifle range at Lackland Air Force base, hitting the target 86 times out of a hundred (the last 20 were on full automatic) I was well versed in the use of a firearm.  I’ve also had a concealed handgun permit for the last 10 years or so.  The weirdest thing about all of this is I’ve never fired a weapon in anger, or had a brush with the law.

You see folks; guns are not the real problem here.  People are - especially criminal people.  Criminals don’t procure their firearms at Wal-mart, Academy, or gun shows.  They get them through “fences” or by stealing.  If we disarm America, only criminals and cops will have guns and I’ll wager there are far more criminals than cops.  No thanks!

Just like the illegal drug trade, there is a lot of sweet moola to be made selling guns.  When I lived for a short spell in Highlands, I went squirrel hunting and came back and in my garage, I set 5 guns out to clean them.  I used a .22 and a shotgun on the trip, but decided I would do a once over on all my guns.  While I was in the house, someone stole all 5…

Within a month another person stole a number of firearms from my brothers locked house also.  Where did these guns go?  Should the government force everyone with a firearm to own a safe?  I think not, but both thefts woke us up.  We are far more careful now.

"We have more gun-related deaths than any other developed country. Gun deaths now outpace traffic fatalities in our country," said U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-NY. "It may take years, it may take decades, but the tens of thousands who senselessly lost their lives at the barrel of a gun will not be forgotten."

Uh, Representative Maloney?  You do realize this is because guns are banned almost everywhere but here right?  In other countries they use tools and knives to kill each other.  And by the way, why would it take years and decades to not forget people killed by guns?  Also the claim of auto-related versus gun-related deaths is not true.  Dang math again!

I also detest the Democratic Party for constantly harping on this, when a great deal of these actual gun-related crimes happen in heavily Democratic Party voting demographics.  Do the math if you think I am wrong.  Why don’t they expend their energy on educating the public instead?  Oh yea, I forgot.  There are a lot of voters in these regions and they don’t need background checks to get all guns their money can buy. 

I have genuine empathy for those who have lost loved ones by people committing crimes with guns and as someone who lost a son due to the violence he experienced in Iraq, I can say that with conviction.  I do however believe the 2nd Amendment of the constitution is still valid.  As a law-abiding citizen, I not only want to retain the right to arm myself against criminal intent, but also en masse (state militia) against our federal government if it comes to that.  After all, wasn’t that the original intent of the writers?
California Militia Men

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Gun Control? Will Criminals be disarmed? No, you will.

I've stayed out of this from the beginning and want to make it clear that I haven't bought a single firearm or cartridge in the last year. I do however own a number of long and short firearms, along with numerous Asian weapons which I’ve studied and am skilled in their use and it is no one’s business what I've bought outside of a gun store purchase. New purchases are documented and registered if you will, but if I buy a shotgun from Joe Blow, I do not want to register it, period.

I hope, hope, hope the day never arrives when I have to defend my family against an abusive US government, but that is why our forefathers wrote in the 2nd amendment and if anyone thinks it couldn't happen, just look at the long history of countries falling due to an abusive government.

I have a clean record and a CHL, plus I am a Vietnam veteran with an honorable discharge. On top of that, I am a black belt with many years of private study and practice. I do not want to be a victim - ever and I've taken steps to secure my home and family to that possibility. No one has to fear my presence unless they plan to cause harm to me or my own.

I do not have a Class 3 license, don't plan on getting one, and I do not sit around caressing my firearms or dream of "blowing someone away". I think in many ways, I represent the average American citizen pro-gun person.

Criminals do not walk into Academy and fill out the forms to get weapons. They steal or buy them on the black market. Take away the right to purchase firearms will only result in strengthening the black market and criminals will have a secure supply, while making people like me, less secure.

In that Utopian world free of guns, someone will still have guns beside the police - so there is no Utopia. Utopia is an unachievable myth. So, in the meantime, I am one hundred per cent behind the law-abiding citizen making legal purchases of firearms, with large capacity magazines, specialty self-defense loads of ammo, and rifle stock and barrel configurations resembling military “assault rifles”, which of course, they are not.

I am also against the current administration attempting to push a long-established agenda through, using the tragedy at Sandy Hooks as a smoke screen.


BB's Uncensored Daily News Brief 02-20-25

 BB's Uncensored Daily News Brief 02-20-25 Use a search engine to investigate each headline. -Port of Galveston committee votes Pier 15 ...