From what I read and hear, if you want to work, there is a
job waiting for you. This is great news, right? Maybe not.
I think it is important to note that a booming economy and
lots of jobs does not bode well with some people on government assistance. It
also doesn't set well with one political party that wants to control these
folks (read their votes) by dangling meals, subsidies, and plastic debit cards
in front of them. Why work when you can get by on the dole? This is the only reasonable
answer to the objections some are raising. Why work when politicians demonize
anyone who wants to take this away?
Let’s face it, whoever is paying your bills is in fact your
boss and if that boss is the US
government assistance system; they own you. Aside from the fact that being a
free person in this country doesn’t exclude you from taxes, I want to make my
own way with as little interference from the government as possible.
To my knowledge, I drew one month unemployment back when
things got tight in 1976. I couldn’t get work in the construction field because
there wasn’t any. I tried and tried and I had bills. I applied and stood in
line and I felt humiliated, because I was now asking the government to give me
money for nothing. I wasn’t raised that way. I sacked groceries when I was 14.
My mom paid us an allowance for doing chores and to be sure, we did chores. Now
here I was with what appeared to be citizens who had no interest in working. I
drew one check and never went back. Instead, I began roofing houses with Jerry
After winter passed, I found a job in construction and
shortly after that, I hired on with ARCO Chemical in Channelview.
Did I look down on the other people in the food stamp line? No, but the very
second I could get out of that line, I was gone. I entered the world of a
process operator with no experience at all and was as overwhelmed as the next
person, but I survived and after nearly 40 years, retired from the industry.
Along the way, the economy slowed and I took side jobs because I had learned
that the more money I could bring in, the more stuff my family could enjoy.
Crossing over into the criminal world never crossed my mind.
I wasn’t raised that way.
According to every source, we are experiencing an economy
that if you want to work, businesses will train you for free, so why is it that
many choose to do nothing? Oh, did I say they choose to do nothing? Yes I did.
No one should get a free lunch, if there is a suitable job they can do to earn
that lunch. It is our tax dollars they are getting for hanging out. Work, or
don’t eat and it is sad that certain elements of politics actually encourages
this despicable “occupation” by constantly harping that others are “keeping you
On numerous occasions I have stood in line at Food Town
and watched someone use not one subsidy card, but two and after following them
outside, observe them drive off in a new SUV. I commented on it to one of the
friendly cashiers and they told me how real the abuse is. One well dressed
person used their card for the bulk of their purchase and then low and behold,
opened their wallet and wrestled out a hundred dollar bill from the others. The
cashier rolled their eyes after I commented on it and said it was a common
sight. Do I believe every person on assistance is a free loader? No, but one is
too many.
Breaking free from government assistance is not easy, but it
is the true and righteous path to freedom. Don’t believe those politicians who
regrettably feed off those who were raised to believe them.