My two little dogs are both smarter than I realize, easily
manipulating my bride and I into getting whatever they want. She taught them
both to high-five about 6 years ago and that was enough to get a treat every
time and still works today. My 8 pound shih tzu will sit and stare at me until
I look away and then for some reason, I’ll give her a treat. My
Pomeranian/Pappillon mix will approach my chair and begin this chuffing and
moaning sound, signaling she wants outside, simply so she can check the smells
and I obediently open the door for her.
She rushes out barking and this causes my shih tzu to
excitedly follow her, barking like they have a major announcement. Once outside
a serious amount of sniffing goes on before they find that perfect spot to
tinkle. The shih tzu at this time will sit down on the far side of the yard and
stare at me. The Pom/Pap goes into
investigative mode for 5 minutes, finding nothing that I can see or smell and
only the word “treat” gets them back inside.
Twice a day, Bella (Pom mix) takes anti-seizure medicine
which I administer in a small blob of peanut butter. I shake the pill bottle and wherever she is
in the house, she comes running to this preconditioned sound. Coca (shih tzu) will magically appear on the
back of the couch 10 feet away and I have to bring her a sample of the magic
goo. She swallows the blob quickly, so she can lick my finger. The finger
remnant appears to be more important than the blob for some reason.
Come feeding time, the routine doesn’t vary or the shih tzu
goes on a literal hunger strike. I mix a small amount of soft food with the
high dollar dry food I buy at the Pet store. If I run out of the soft food,
forget it. Bella will eat whatever and is never in a hurry. To me, she acts
like a dog. Coco however is a curious mix of
rabbit, cat, dog, and female something. She wants what she wants, when she
wants it, or no dice buddy. No soft food? No problem. She won’t eat.
Their routine is important to them and Bella just turned 7
and Coco is a year older. I’m not sure they
will learn or want to learn anything new. In so many ways, we are the same way.
I know I have to fight the urge to stick with what I know, instead of thinking
progressively. I imagine you feel the same way.
Now I repair computers, sweeping viruses, etc. off of them
and that technological field changes constantly. I am forced to keep up with it
and it amazes me how complicated it all has become. If I had to start right now
learning what I know, the task would be overwhelming and “pert near”
unattainable. This progressive technology has been good for me, as it carries
over into other parts of my life and has kept me from falling into the rut of
only knowing what I already know.
I have forced myself to read so many technical manuals that
almost anything new, is just one more study to know it. Take for instance that
new vehicle you bought with 400+ whiz-bang gizmo programmable dealies on the
dashboard. How many of us will learn and actually use a quarter of those
things? Most of us will not, but I know I will. I’ll fiddle with it until I am
like a jet pilot, because I am that curious. I want to know how they work and
then use them.
We recently bought a high-tech washing machine. My bride stared at it like it was a
copper-headed cobra moccasin. I was like “Cool!”. I am still discovering things
it will do and when all else fails, I’ll read the manual to see where they
screwed up. Most likely none of us read
the manual and utilize the product by trial and error. We figure we will read
it later, but that is the epitome of “You can’t teach old dogs new tricks.”
The reason we can’t learn is because we don’t want to. Wow! What
an epiphany! “Waa, I can’t get this to work, Bert! My PC is going crazy!”
“Did you do research and reboot and then run the anti-virus
software I told you to run once a week?”
“Uh, I’ll get back with you.” The next day, I hear from them.
“Hey, this is (insert name here) It is working! I don’t know what I did.” My
answer is always the same and I tell them they are now computer repairmen.
Note: This is not in reference to Royce Owens. LOL Progressive learning is like
walking up hill. It is determination and work and that is why it is so easy to
just stick with what we know.