Monday, October 31, 2011

Alaska Update - Nana of the North

*Note: Connie is my sister and she works on the north slope of Alaska.

Right now I am in Ted Stevens Airport drinking a Salty Dog. I just ate a delicious Buffalo chicken sandwich……one of the things I’m really hungry for when I leave the slope. Not the sandwich……..the wing sauce. I have them dip the chicken in the sauce. Ahhh. Yummy. I should probably just order the sauce. Anyway……

Since I spent six weeks in Air Force Basic Training at Lackland AFB in San Antonio in 1968, no one could make me believe there would be a place with more spectacular sunrises than the ones I saw there every morning.
But, I hadn’t seen the ones in the dying days of daylight in the Arctic Circle before the sun goes down for the last time each year.

This morning when I stepped outside to drive to the airport at 10:00 AM, the sun was still below the horizon, but had already made its presence known. I looked around and as usual was amazed by what I saw. The sky was mostly clear, and everything was some shade of blue, lavender or pink. It’s been snowing almost non-stop for three days and nights and it’s glorious. Even the light coming off of the street lamps glows pink. This place has a magical effect on light.

I just stood there, oblivious to the 8 below zero temperatures, mesmerized. Off to the east the sky was brilliant shades and bands of pink and the north had low-lying ice fog that was deep blue – all fading into the soft blues of the sky above and a snow-covered world below. Even the few fluffy clouds were blue on a deeper blue sky streaked with pink and lavender ribbons.

I was already running late, but I stood there for several minutes, as long as I could, and just breathed in that cold, clean air and felt so alive and blessed just to be. Just to be.
I wish so much that all of you were there with me in that moment. Wow. I say that a lot in Alaska.

Connie Nana of the North (Formerly Deadhorse Connie.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Baytown Remembers our Texas Fallen!

Baytown Remembers our Texas Fallen because of Ken "the Dauber" Pridgeon's Portrait of a Warrior. My bride and I visited the other day and Ken showed us his portrait of our son, Sgt. Nick Marshall. The gallery is free and is at 308 Texas Avenue.

Ken is a Baytown treasure and works off of donations. He told me one canvas cost $50+ and he lives on social Security.

BB's Uncensored Daily News Brief 02-27-25

 BB's Uncensored Daily News Brief 02-27-25 Use a search engine to investigate each headline. -Pam Bondi to Drop Partial Epstein Client L...