Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Elvis has left the room

I want to set something on the table and anyone who bothers to read anything I write, please take a good hard look.

We are living in a time in history in this country ten times more confused than elucidated. Many have no idea who to listen to, so I am going to clarify something, so maybe we can have educational intercourse and maybe... an exchange of ideas and dogma.

Bashing anything anyone writes or says by name-calling just lowers you. It lowers you. It makes it personal, when many times the reader has no clue who wrote it, their state of mind, or even their intent. We have freedom of speech folks and exercising it, shouldn’t make people try to kill, maim, or slander you and your family. I defend the right of anything any American says or writes, but that doesn’t mean I agree with them.

On a routine basis I submit comments and letters to the Baytown Sun, only to have a select few call me un-Christian, a liar, a criminal, and an idiot. They’ve even drug my bride into their tirade and called the police on me, claiming I threatened their life. Never mind that they do not address anything I wrote. Have we lost the ability to be civil? Do we not know or practice the Golden Rule?
Make no mistake; emotions are high, because there is a lot at stake.

Like Mike Meyer’s SNL character asked, “Can we talk”?

BB's Massive Daily News Brief 02-24-25

 BB's Massive Daily News Brief 02-24-25 Use a search engine to investigate each headline. -Dan Bongino named deputy director of the FBI....