I tuned in to the Glenn Beck Show Friday afternoon to watch an interview with William Shatner, the actor who is currently on Boston Legal, but is known to many as Captain Kirk, of the Starship Enterprise. What an interesting man! I don’t know what his appeal is exactly, but he definitely appeals to many and from multiple generations.
Glenn Beck is just as entertaining to me, so I figured this would be interesting. It was for the most part. Glenn’s usual delivery is basically scripted and as fine of a performance as Hollywood or New York can generate, albeit appearing to be spontaneous and maybe some of it is, so the interview, which wasn’t scripted jumped around a bit.
Mr. Shatner is 77 years young (it appears) and as Glenn Beck put it, gaining steam. He looks to be in his 60’s and is full of piss and vinegar, to shamelessly use a phrase that best describes him - blame Grampa from John Steinbeck's, The Grapes of Wrath for the vulgar sounding expression, if you must.
Mr. Shatner is concerned with the sad state of affairs here in our U.S.A. and since Mr. Shatner is Canadian, Glenn Beck delved into the reasons for his concern. Well, it turns out William Shatner from the time of his youth has seen our country the same way I have and still do - a land of freedom and opportunity and free for the harvesting by anyone willing to work for it. I like the man.
He is worried about the over-population of the Earth, something most Americans for the last 30 years have not really been guilty of. Most of us have simply replicated ourselves with two children or maybe three. Not so our neighbors to the South who are still birthing children like there is no tomorrow and a lot of them across our border. I blame it on the dominant religion of the countries and their belief that birth control is sinful.
Well, guess what? William Shatner is right about over-population and the reduction of our resources, because they are tied together as sure as Forrest Gump’s peas and carrots, but not because of we Americans, but because of the multitude of people breaching our borders and in numbers that stagger the imagination.
People who are loyal to Mexico and other Latin American countries - not this country, are diluting whole areas that used to be dominated by AMERICAN citizens with American values, as ethnically diverse at that may be. Yes, we live within 6 or 7 hours of the Mexican border, I know that and there is always a certain amount of exchange of cultures when areas meet, but how can we explain the very same phenomenon all across this great country?
We fine American citizens, thanks to Planned Parenthood and other zero growth organizations have diminished our growth numbers almost into extinction. If a husband and wife birth two children, the law of attrition plainly reveals that this is less than replacement, but an actual decline.
Close to 25% of all the children under the age of 5 in this country are the direct result of the influx of Hispanic minorities according to the United States Census Bureau. Our meager growth rate of .88% (as opposed to the average World growth rate of 1.16%) is mostly being bolstered by many people whose first loyalty is not even to the USA. According to the Population Reference Bureau, fully one half of the US population growth is Hispanic. While most Americas have been limiting our numbers for the sake of responsible growth, our neighbors to the south haven’t received the message. We Americans have bred ourselves into the minority and risk losing our identity, culture and language. Heck, we are losing our country.
Is it any wonder that Spanish is becoming a commonly heard language everywhere? Am I attacking Mexican Nationals? Do I hate Hispanics? What about their delicious food? Should I get rid of my Chihuahua?
Please. Understand where all of this is going before you brand me as anti-anything other than a red-blooded American. I am an American citizen of the United States of America - FIRST. My interest in this country is putting this country first, not second or third. If my neighbor is law abiding and ethnically and culturally different than me, that’s okay - but my neighbor needs to have America’s best interest at heart. If any country puts the security and future of this country in jeopardy, I am for bombing it back to the Stone Age.
Our system can only support so many freeloaders and it surely doesn’t need to support vampires, leaches and downright criminals from any other country, especially inside our borders. We need a politician who will fight to have the law changed to boot out any illegal alien/immigrant and their children, yes I said their children. If they come across our border to birth their children, then the child should go back where it came from with the mother.
We have grown weak and limp-wristed in every area trying to appease those who have long forgotten that a good paddling does more to correct a kid’s behavior than a thousand time-outs in a corner somewhere. It’s time to put the hammer down and as the great Democratic candidate and savior of the world Barrack Obama has said repeatedly "Enough is enough"!
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