Thursday, April 22, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again

I started jogging again.  It’s been about 2 years since I last ran and even though I am fast approaching 58 years old, I have been active.  Last Sunday, after work, the sun was shining and it was dry and perfect, so I hopped out of my car on the way home, striped off my work uniform to my running shorts and tee, donned my running shoes and off I waddled.

At first I was going to run about a third of a mile, then that became a half and finally I decided to run down to Sens Road (from Miller Cut-Off where I started) and this would be a 2 miler.  I ran along what we in Texas call a feeder road and is beside SH-225, a very busy, but safely distant road.  I can hear the cars rushing by at break-neck speed, but I am on the shoulder of the feeder and as safe as can be expected.

Anyway, it was convenient and all I could expect in the Houston metropolitan shadow, so I did it.  I amused myself watching the Union Pacific railroad engine and train as it rocked by.  This is what I love about jogging; what a person does with their mind when their body goes into the robotic this foot that foot mode.  If a person cannot conquer their mind, they will soon stop running and it’s that simple.

I passed the 2 miles this time in almost a blur, the weather and sunshine warming me both inside and out.  I didn’t feel like a 57 year old man, even though I was running sub-11 minute miles.  I felt more like I was 49 again.

I went home feeling euphoric and that lasted the rest of the evening.  When I went to bed, I was physically and mentally ready to rest.  During the night I dreamed the most colorful and exotic bunch of dreams I have had in a long time.  When my alarm sounded I swung out of bed rested, but when I went to stand up, I realized my hips were quite stiff and my knees were protesting loudly.

I expected this though and once again I was waddling.  Making my way to the kitchen, I gulped down a coup of French Market New Orleans blend chicory coffee…I grabbed another before I cleared the house on my way to work.  All day long I went through the process of limbering up as I had a stiffness relapse every time I sat down for a few minutes.

The next morning all was better and after a couple of yawning stretches, I set out to repeat Sunday’s performance…and I did.  The day after the second jog wasn’t bad at all, so after taking a break yesterday and being off work today, I went out and ran 2 miles this morning.   Now I can’t say how often or how many miles I will be running in the future, but it sure is a good addition to my Indy Trekking while at work, which I have been doing on a regular basis.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

The weather has been PERFECT many days of late for such activity! My knees hurt, too...and you got me by a few years ;) My mind goes to all sorts of places when I run, then I realize I should probably pay attention and wonder how I got to where I was!!

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