Wednesday, May 22, 2013

An open letter to the Mayor of Baytown

Mr. Mayor, after hurricane Ike, I drove over by the tax office on Baker road to get  MRE's and ice.

Mayor Steve Don Carlos of Baytown, Texas
Some government agency was there at early, along with some constables when I arrived. Nothing was being dispensed and there was a long line of cars waiting.  They would not give anything until 10am and I watched all the workers in nice new blue uniforms standing around the trailers talking. 

Their van had a flat tire and I watched six of them try to change the tire without success.  Around 0900 something, I left, totally disgusted after a cop demanded I get back in my car.  I just wanted to ask questions.

Promise us Baytonians, if something like this happens in Baytown again, you will jump down the throat of these people to get your citizens aide.


Friday, May 17, 2013

Baker Road Extension 5-17-13 - Baytown Texas

Barkuloo Road looking west
Barkuloo Road looking East
The beginning of the extension, looking East at N. Main and West Baker
The beginning of the extension, looking East at N. Main and West Baker
From behind Crockett Park at Harris County drainage ditch looking West
From behind Crockett Park at Harris County drainage ditch looking East
From behind Crockett Park at Harris County drainage ditch looking East


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Baker Road Extension 5-15-13 Detention Pond - Baytown Texas

Old lake in foreground which will be pumped and dredged.

Directly behind Chaparral Village.

The silver lining?

BB's Uncensored Daily News Brief 02-20-25

 BB's Uncensored Daily News Brief 02-20-25 Use a search engine to investigate each headline. -Port of Galveston committee votes Pier 15 ...