Recently I repaired Charlie’s laptop and in the true spirit of the south, he asked me if I wanted to barter on the repair cost. Well, I love a good barter, so I quickly agreed. To my pleasant surprise, he produced an autographed copy of his book, “Two cents worth ...thoughts of an old Georgia Boy” as partial payment.
Two cents worth is an anthology of his articles which appeared in the Highlands Star, Star-Courier, and the Barbers Hill Dayton Press from 1993 to 2001.
Charlie is possibly a couple years older than I, and a Coastie – a Coast Guard man and I almost always automatically relate to a fellow Veteran on many topics, so I took it upon myself to read the compilation of his columns seeing I am a columnist myself.
Please understand that this next sentence isn’t a criticism. Charlie breaks so many rules in his writing that I told him he is either the worst writer I’ve ever read, or a genius. Using words I’ve heard many times, but rarely seen written, he jumps from subject to subject with reckless abandon – or so it appears at first. Fairly often I would have to reread the sentence to get the context right. When I would read it aloud, it made better sense than reading it. His book has a Huck Finn feel to it.
After finishing his book, I think he is... a genius. While writing my columns, I do my dead level best to watch each and every word and comma, while he simply writes how he speaks and makes no apology that I can see – and it works. It works wonderfully well.
Much of his writing is about his fishing camp on Day Lake close to Liberty, Texas and I have a good friend who lives there as I write this, so again, I can relate. He loves to cook up chow-chow, which evidentially is so hot; you could remove grease from your driveway with a spoonfull of the stuff.
The book is for sale on Amazon and I’ve linked it if you want to get a copy for your collection or you could ask about it on, as Charlie is a subscriber. I give the book 5 out of 5 stars for it unapologetic style and the uniqueness of the interesting content.
I am re-reading this book now. It
is perfect 'company' in the bathroom while on the pot. Pick
up a copy and you will see what I mean!
It is a cross breed....a mutt!
It is hard to decide if it is fact or fiction, a novel or biography, a self-help or survival
manual....but, it is entertaining!!
That is very sweet of you. You are a real fine man & I am proud to be your mama. MM
Great tunes on lead in and exit... and great book review.. RF
No rules when expressing your heart in words about the best and most remembered times in your life. These professors that have put this curse in you and your writing style would rather read, criticize and look for mistakes in expression on paper than live the story matter. What a lonely life that must be. Write it if you where saying it like he does and you'll feel it, smell it, taste it and see it.
I like the side of the bread Charlie butters and can taste his cream gravy. SL
Read the opening pages to the book, seems to be a good read. Now take a few pages out of his book, gather up some of your excellent columns and get your own out there. I promise to buy it if you do. SW
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