Monday, January 04, 2016

Stupid Facebook challenges

It seems like everyday, someone will post a rustic cabin in the woods photo or maybe one on a tropical paradise and it will "challenge" all their friends by asking if they could stay there for one year without the Internet, television, cable, or their smartphones.  Here is an actual screen grab to back up my statement.
You have to stay in this cabin for the entire month of January. You have all the food and water you'll need. You have enough firewood to keep a fire going until the 31st. You have no access to Internet , cell phones or TV. On the 31st of January, you walk out of the door with $100,000. Would you do it?
Can you believe that 1,947, 882 idiots all "liked" this nonsense?  On top of that, 244, 655 morons shared it. 
Here is another one.
 I have a challenge that makes a wee bit more sense.
You have to stay in this hole for the entire month of January. You have all the food and water you'll need. You will be naked. You have total access to Internet , cell phones and tv. On the 31st of January, you will be water-boarded by trained CIA agents.  You will then be given $100,000 in unmarked $20 bills.  Will you accept a real challenge??

So far, not a single like or share?


Anonymous said...

Dan Elliott: BB, you have spent too much time in chemical plants! lol

Anonymous said...

Chad Trumps: Sure, I'll take that challenge.

Anonymous said...

KC: Yep. I see what you mean!

Anonymous said...

Ed Wisenbaler: Excellent article. Gave me a good laugh to start the day.

Anonymous said...

Tammy Tallant: No!

Anonymous said...

Alvin Houseman: What about toilet paper?

Anonymous said...

Joseph Dykehouse: Throw in a a busty blonde and a couple of cases of beer and I am game

Anonymous said...

Heather Creek: Do I have a charger for my phone & computer? If not it would be awful boring.... and is that hole in Texas or Missouri? It's < 30 here so a month naked would suck...

Anonymous said...

David Brown:e Is that what Saddam was doing when the US Military pulled him out of his hole? Dang so close... Haha

Anonymous said...

Buddy D. Casto: No thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

Sheree Cardwell: It's kind of cold in January!!

Anonymous said...

Laurie Meyer: I could handle all but the water boarding so I'll have to pass on that one.

Anonymous said...

Laurie Maxson: Hell to the no

Anonymous said...

Mike Lewis: Do I get a heater?

Anonymous said...

Heather Creek: I'm in...

Anonymous said...

Johnny Connaly: Well, I am a money whore. Sorry ladies for using the W word, but it's all about the money.

Pierre Garand said...

Thanks for your article. I was one of the millions of idiots who viewed and commented on three of these posts on FB. After seeing the second one, I grew very suspicious, noting that there was no actual challenge offer on the table. Seeing the third one compelled me to do some research, which led me to your blog post, among other results. Any idea if this is some kind of information-gathering or other scam? I never shared, and on the third one I saw, I only commented on my suspicions and my search results. I've been an idiot at least twice, but no more. I do like your challenge. I wouldn't do it, but it gets the point across.

Boots said...

I could do it.

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