Is it me, or is there always a bad guy out there waiting to
get us? I was just a kid when I learned that there were ‘bad guys” besides the
boogey man under my bed at night. The threat was “Krauts” and “Nips” and they
were very real to my brothers and I as we daily sought them out in mortal
combat. We didn’t bother with North Koreans, as no one really talked about
those guys.
My brother and the neighborhood kids fought these WWII
aggressors each and every day as they tried to infiltrate our neighborhoods and
because my family moved quite often, I never found out if all this practice did
them any good in Vietnam.
I know it helped me to be a better “soldier” and that became apparent in boot
camp on the obstacle course when others struggled, I excelled.
Then came the Commies and they were the perfect bad guy and
in a way, I kind of miss them. At one time there were over 40 Communist
countries and now there are just 5 – Laos,
North Korea, Cuba, China,
and Vietnam.
The red scare was so real, people were building bomb shelters and we kids did
drills at school to escape the future nuclear fallout. It was a very serious
and real threat and no one made jokes about it.
Race Relations, assassinations, Vietnam, hurricanes, Arctic blasts,
drug cartels, Ebola, Zika, Hepatitis, AIDS, Hillary, Global warming, criminals,
radical Islam, shingles… Lord have mercy. Now it’s Donald Trump rolling across
American politics like he’s the devil himself.
To a lot of us the current “bad guy” is not The Donald, its
the US Government. Isn’t that sad? Many of us do not trust our government and
suspect they are self-serving carpetbaggers on both sides of the fence. On top
of that, some believe they are on the same side of the fence and all the voters
are on the other side – the losing side. It does seem odd that whoever is in
office, nothing changes.
One local curmudgeon thinks Hillary Clinton and John Kasich
are "a great fair and civil race to the finish" and when I read that,
I felt like giving Jack Kevorkian’s successor a call for his benefit. The man
is clearly in need of an intervention. If either of these two politicians are
elected, the rape of America
will continue.
Both Parties blame the other, and then either continues the
same policies, or declares they will change them… at a later date. They angrily
posture, and then go eat lunch together and laugh at our expense. How is it
even possible that the President of the United States can’t even clear up
whether he is an American Citizen, when if I owe the IRS $50 and won’t pay,
they simply garnish my wages?
How is it that giant accounting companies and investment
bankers can scam billions of dollars off of investors and get away with it for
years? How can this country be overran
with people illegally entering the country and yet the very people who point
this out are labeled as racist? How can a top government official fail
miserably at their job for years and not get fired? Worse yet, how is it
possible they get reelected?
Why do we have Primaries, if a Party talking head can openly
brag that the voters don’t pick the candidate – they do? If they can’t control
a popular candidate, I guess they simply say they are not the right person and
put someone else up on the ticket. “You stupid people don’t understand
politics, so we will do your thinking for you!” The quote is my own, so don’t bother
Googling it and yes, you can quote me.
Boogie men! Bad guys and gals abound and while some live
outside the law and are obviously criminals, others write the laws and then
violate them with impunity. Both are criminal parasites living off the working
man and woman. They are akin to the charlatan preacher who does not practice
what they preach and keep many small fires burning to distract their
congregation from their own larger transgression.
In other words, the very people we elect to represent us,
often do the opposite. I’m not sure where it starts, but by the time they
finally arrive, they are no longer representing anything other than big
government. So why is it a surprise that Donald Trump is shaking up this
dynasty? He’s not being bribed or beholden to any big oil or pharmaceutical
company, let alone the thousands of powerful lobbyists.
If elected, he won’t be beholden to place every million
dollar contributor’s representative in office below him – like has been done by
both parties for years. He’s upsetting the system in a way our country has
never experienced! He’s already made it clear that he will appoint the
brightest, smartest, and best people to these positions to get the country back
on track.
Donald Trump is not just a threat to the GOP. He’s a threat
to the entire system of “business as usual”, which is keeping the fat cats fat
and we the people scared of bad guys. In the next few months expect world
leaders (who are double dipping your tax dollars) to come out screaming. Both
parties will spend your hard earned money to try and discredit Trump.
Make sure you understand why they are demonizing him as the
ultimate bad guy.
JG: John Graham Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
John Graham: You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
Ed Wisenbaler: Excellent article. You nailed it.
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