Monday, January 30, 2017

Not a Chance the Left Will Run Out of Crazies

It’s unlikely the original creators of Looney Tunes ever imagined their cartoon characters would come to life for real. For example, Foghorn Leghorn evolved into Senate Dummocrat Chuck Schumer. There’s no possibility that the left will run out of “Crazies”; there’s a boundless cornucopia of left-wing nut cases, many in the entertainment venues and industries, but many also in congress.

Their ratings on the “nutcase” meter vary per measure of their insane rants, ravings and meltdowns combined with their levels of fame. General Celebrity and Elm Street type Hollywood freaks provide us with feelings from hilarious laughter to disgust, apathy, and sometimes just plain pity.

We’ve recently been witness to vivid examples of celebrities suffering from extreme lunacy and mental illnesses: Miley Cyrus, Madonna, Joy Behar, Rosie O’Donnell, Ashley Judd, Cher, Chelsea Handler, Whoopi Goldberg, Bill Maher, Danny Glover and Sean Penn to name a few.

I was very angry with myself for laughing uncontrollably at Miley Cyrus’ meltdown on YouTube where she cried, whined and shrieked hysterically for several minutes because Hillary lost. I felt even more remorse after I had had a horrible thought it might be fun if she slit her wrists too. Terribly unkind of me, she is, after all, one very sick child.

And of course, we are used to old braindead Rosie O’Donnell, but I fear she will someday run out of incredibly stupid things to ‘shrill’ about. I think that she and Joy Behar are currently competing for a “Dumbest Hysterical Woman” participation trophy unaware of current massive competition nationwide. 

Also, speaking of Joy and Rosie, they remind me of the cartoon characters Heckle and Jeckle, the talking Magpies except; Joy and Rosie have smaller brains and neither have a smidgen of the birds’ intellects.

Then too several D.C. morons are competing for title of “Biggest Loon” in Washington”: Among those frantically competing to find a safe space away from intelligent people are: Pocahontas Warren, Cory-Judas-Booker, Screw-Loose Patty Murray, Blatherskite Chuck Schumer, and ex-hero turned Racist, John Lewis.
The buffoons from California are also fiercely in the race and may have a definite advantage as they have salt-air-injection-infections: Doofus Diane Feinstein, Barbara Brainless Boxer, Xavier Bloviator Becerra, Nancy “we-have-to-pass-this-bill-so-we’ll-know-what’s-in-it” Pelosi, Adam Snuffy Schiff, Henry Dunce Waxman, and Maxine Imajoke Waters.

I have as yet been unable to discover the actual location of the inaugural-boycotting Democrat’s actual safe place. I understand though that they huddled tightly together during the inauguration ceremonies, clutching security binkies in deathly fear that they would witness more than two centuries of civility and democracy in action.
It’s unconfirmable of course, but the Los Angeles Times reported that during the inauguration, a great deal of sobbing, whining and tearful sniffling was heard coming from the San Francisco area. Coincidentally, several Hollywood celebrities were rumored to have been spotted in the area simultaneously.

The Washington ComPost, unusually wildly speculative, suggested the celebs and Dems found and shared the same safe space together, but could not verify the rumor that there were depressing shortages of blanket-binkies, crying towels, Café Lattes, and pacifiers.

God populated the earth with some incredibly ingenious, loving, compassionate, resourceful and responsible humans to start with. God inclusively allowed evil to exist by allowing Satan to add a few idiots, incompetents, malcontents and spiteful haters to test his original largess. Satan convinced many of his charges to join the original party of racism and Jim Crow laws, the Democratic Party. 

We owe a debt of gratitude to Jimmy Carter for destroying education in America or the country would probably have continued to be a disgustingly literate and civil land to live in. And thank the lord for Obama, the Congressional Black Caucus, the SPLC, the NAACP, Nation of Islam, and Al Sharpton. Without their enormous contributions, the racial divide in this country would surely have continued to narrow.

Go forth ye, watch and observe their childish petulance. Go ahead, listen, but don’t be fooled by their inept, stupid, foolish, senseless and hateful rhetoric. They hate, they lie, they deceive, they subvert, while professing empathy, sympathy, love and compassion for everyone.

That the liberal-progressive-left is really bent out of shape and furious at losing is an understatement. Hell, hath no fury like maniacal socialists fueled by Soros’ money and abhorrent behaviors driven by various psychotic disorders. They “talk” peace, compassion, understanding and brotherhood but witlessly or unscrupulously and calculatingly demonstrate the exact opposite behaviors. Simply said, they’re psycho!

John Frock, San Angelo, 1-28-2017

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