Thursday, March 29, 2018

The anti-gun movement myth

 It appears to me the anti-gun violence protests are a total manipulation of logic by some group wanting to disarm America. The 2nd Amendment is to protect us from our own government, so why would anyone want to give up this liberty? Didn't Hitler and Stalin disarm their citizens before taking complete control? Does anyone believe North Korean's are allowed to own guns? In Cuba, only the state is armed. How has that worked out for them? Well, we know how it turned out for Germany and Russia.

Any possible legislation will have zero effect on mentally unstable individuals, anarchists, neo-Ludites, religious zealots, terrorists, and criminals. Law-abiding gun owners are not guilty of a danged thing. Protesters are registering to vote and one declared they would vote out anyone supporting the NRA. Let me see. How many NRA members have been guilty of shooting up a school? Please cipher that one for me. I'll dig it up for us. None. "Worthy of note is that the victims of mass shootings constitute less than one half of one percent of shooting deaths."

If laws stopped people from committing criminal acts, why are our roads littered with beer and alcohol containers? Think about it. Law-abiding people do not drink and drive. Should we pass more laws that say that you cannot have more than a 6-pack or a pint of adult beverage in your refrigerator? Will this stop criminals from drinking and driving?

"In Texas the "total costs of a DWI arrest and conviction range from $5,000 to $24,000 for a first-time offense. In the Austin area, offenders can pay $6,000 to $21,000 in fines, fees and other costs." I don't know about you, but I don't have that kind of stash setting around marked "disposable".

I have guns... a lot of guns and carry one most of the time and have for many years. I am not a threat. I am the opposite of a threat. I may just save your life. It wouldn't matter if I was carrying a bazooka or dressed like Arnold in Commando with an M-60 and grenades hanging off my chest and belt. Logic, folks. Criminals will be criminals and if a misguided zealot wants to kill people, no law is going to stop them. Only another law-abiding person with a gun can do it.

I am always reminded of a true story of a young couple who moved to Los Angeles from Boulder, Colorado. Both were very educated and had extremely strong anti-gun philosophies. One month after arrival after she was mugged and their apartment ransacked, they were both carrying guns and taking firearms training. Their philosophy did not protect them. It is all relevant. This story is true. Hunkering and cowering down in a corner will only get you killed.

Another thing I learned years ago in marital arts training is if a person wants to unexpectedly strike you, they can pretty much do it. If a misguided or deranged individual decides to target a school, or a group of people, they will do it, even if it is in a military installation and the victims are soldiers. The only thing that will stop them is a person with a gun.

I suspect many of the protestors in the anti-gun movement are in it to be part of something they feel is honorable and "cool". I also wonder what they will do when faced by someone with a weapon who intends to rob or do them or their family harm. I can pretty much tell you that being armed with a philosophy as your main weapon is going to be a rude wake up call. If you survive, I would also bet that more laws are the last thing you will want. You are going to want a gun, because laws don't stop the people who prey on society.

As a veteran, a black belt, and a graduate of the Baytown citizen's police academy I have never attacked anyone and I carry a large caliber, one shot, one kill gun. One officer summed it up very well. "If you have a permit to carry a firearm, by all means carry it. My life may depend on you being there for me." 


Anonymous said...

WH: So dead on...
But as someone once said, I have repeated many times; "Don't confuse 'em with the facts. Their mind's made up."

SH: Well, doing nothing is changing nothing. Let the outrage across this country encourage us to find a solution. So, many are calling for limits on guns. Don't just say that won't work without offering what you think WILL work. So we leave guns available to every decent and nutjob person- what do you suggest as a community that we can do to change the minds of our estranged young white men who seem to be the ones to be committing these mass attacks? Don't just sit back shaking you heads, make another suggestion. Be a voice for the change. -unless you are just fine with the way things are going now...

Bert Marshall: I do not have a solution to the problem with deviants using guns, or trucks, or bombs, or hammers.

RP: Improve mental health care..... Boom

CM: The old saying if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have them

SH: So basically, we're doomed to living in the old West. Fantastic. Progress. For my part, I will keep reaching out to others- in my home, where I am responsible for teaching my children correctly and getting help for them when needed and in the community letting people know that others really do care, and we're not in this alone.

Bert Marshall: Exactly. I say this all the time. It is the Wild West all over again. For my part, I will remain vigilant and armed. I hope neither of us ever have to become a victim. Years ago as a kid who moved from state to state and school to school, it didn't

SC: Think and promote family values, one stay at home parent, better mental health research, moral guidance (religion?). These things have been promoted by many, but Liberals aren’t interested. They want the ‘state’ to raise your kids (even teach them to brush their teeth) and control everything. By the way, you’re naive if you think the world will ever live in world peace where everything and everyone are all nice and peachy.

Anonymous said...

DC: You never strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

EM: So are you saing criminals don’t follow laws no matter how many are put in place? Oh my.... shocking

JC: Both sides of this argument run around like Chicken Little and that’s what makes this so divisive.
It was supposed to be like the “Wild West” when Texas created the concealed carry permits. Then that was around for a number of years and guess what? No gunfights at the OK Corral. Then came open carry and people were crying that about the Wild West again. Guess what? No gunfights at high noon and I’ve only seen one person carry openly. I do consider myself a very observant person. A lot of those fears are a result of Hollywood’s portrayal of the wild west. Thanks to Hollywood some believe that I got into gunfights every shift I worked as a cop.

It’s hard to believe that that our Congress started the Civilian Marksmanship Program in the early 1900’s. They wanted to teach “qualified” people how to safely use firearms in case of war. A person today can purchase a outdated MILITARY rifle without going through an FFL. I have a rifle from them, a WWII era M1 Garand. George Patton called it “the greatest battle implement ever devised" Imagine that our government wanted at one time to arm its citizens with outdated, but functional, military weapons. Now due to the “I want results and I want them now” crowd we want to ban people like me from owning something.

So, what changed? Our feckless society. If we’re going to outlaw anything let’s outlaw certain video games. Better yet, outlaw millennials and lock them all up.

Anonymous said...

PO: We can pack the books with more laws but till we think out the situation all we are doing is stalling on getting to the real issue. The left or the right. War or Peace. Party lines are dividing us more and more.

RTB:The only deterrent to a crazy/deranged/demented individual with a gun is a sane/law-abiding/trained in how to handle a gun individual, period!

Mike M: Well I guess I will say this once again Bert..
Since I am a logical and rational person..
There exists a single power structure in our nation who give comfort and support to a large population of people that I will categorize as the American Left.....See More

Bert Marshall: I remember watching a documentary on a man (Timothy Treadwell) who, through years of trial and error and deep study had learned to imitate grizzly bear behavior. He lived among them for many years and documented a lot of it with film. He could back them down with body language and speech and was thoroughly at peace living among them... then he came up missing. they found his partially eaten body after a desperate search. You see, he came upon a rogue bear that didn't live by the rules. There is a lesson here. Rules and laws are only for those that follow them.

Brett B: The day is coming where we will have to meet this threat for what it is, a decades long plan where half the population has been indoctrinated to communist ideology by a psychological warfare operation put into motion in the 50’s and 60’s. They will no...See More

Michael Murphy: Downright revolutionary isn't it?
But in America we have republicanism...
It is the law..
You cannot remove constitutional law by force or a majority mob..
Our founding fathers were smart indeed they did not give us a democracy they honored the American people by leaving us a constitutional republic which we will never surrender..
We have discovered over the last 230 years that when you extend the power to the state they will gladly receive it therefore making the citizen less free...
The treachery comes into play when one half of a political party system gives in to the anarchists..
Today we see it all play out by the words and text of a compliant mainstream press..
Of course anarchists, cultural marxists, Neo progressives and alike, really stand for nothing..
But this is what political Anarchy is all about..
They are the cleansing agents..
But they represent the same group of people who will come in shortly after to rebuild a new governing system not unlike the oligarchs we witness around the world today...
Nothing good or virtuous is ever born out of this kind of treachery...
True story..
And it's only by the grace of God that our country has made it this far...

BC: Well said Sir!!!!
If laws alone will stop crime why do Peace Officers need to carry guns?

JC: Exactly right Bert. Never let a crisis go to waste even it has to be manufactured. Some big money behind these marches and protests and it has nothing to do with solutions, it is more about eventual control of what we can or can not do.

JD: These kids are not being educated they are being trained to think a certain way. These kids think the government starts and stops with Donald Trump..they are being trained to blame society for individuals problems and they are blaming all thier problems on an inanimate object that cant move unless a person picks it up.

AR: The most amusing thought that I've come across: If it's a drug free zone, why are there drug dog scans through the school? Gun free zones were just supposed to "happen" with no monitoring?

Anonymous said...

This morning at our local city's, "Coffee with a Cop" event I said to the Police Chief and 2 officers, "The police are my 3rd line of defense. They unanimously agreed that this was a very good thing.

Anonymous said...

Mimsy: Absolutely right on target. Great truths & well written.

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