Saturday, December 14, 2019

A Texas Police Chief speaks up

I have struggled for over 3 years with the extreme hatred shown by Democrats for our duly elected President Donald J. Trump. Never before have I seen a political party so intent on the removal of a duly elected President. And to top it off the cries for impeachment began immediately after he was elected.

Seems that I remember the Clinton supporters pounding candidate Trump before he was elected on the possibility that he would not accept the validity of a Clinton victory. My how the tables have turned.

First, Crooked Hillary lost the election by a significant margin and second it was Crooked Hillary and her supporters that for over 3 agonizing years have refused to accept the outcome of the 2016 election.

The calls for doing away with the Electoral College process itself speak volumes about the unreasonableness of the far left. If you can't win under existing rules, simply change the rules. The Left might want to consider the rule change that Harry Reed shoved through the Senate to eliminate the 60 vote rule required for confirmation of appointed officials like Supreme Court Justices. The "nuclear option" instituted by Democrats allowed them some immediate Democratic victories, but led to President Trump being able to get Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh confirmed to the Supreme Court. How did that work out Harry ?

Our Country has seen non stop attempts by the Dems to remove President Trump from office since his inauguration. Allegations have varied from Russia collusion to being a Russian agent to bribery to treason and on and on and on. All have been debunked.

The Left has no rules of civility. They have attacked the First Lady at every turn and even the minor child of the President and First Lady.

And now they have gone beyond the pale to bring forth Articles of Impeachment against President Trump. Never mind that these allegations do NOT include claims of a crime. Never mind that President Trump voluntarily released a transcript of the phone call between the Ukrainian President and the President of the US. Never mind that The President of the Ukraine has repeatedly stated he felt he was NOT pressured by President Trump. Never mind the promise of bipartisanship made by Nancy Pelosi has now been abandoned. Never mind that the IG report released this week clearly identifies wrong doing by members of our Federal Intelligence and Law Enforcement entities. And most puzzling for me, is that conviction by the Senate is required on the Articles of Impeachment for the President to be removed from office. That requires a super majority of 67 of the 100 Senators to vote FOR impeachment.

That means 20 of the Republican Senators would have to vote FOR impeachment in the Senate. Call me crazy, but I see the chances of that happening somewhere between slim and none. In fact, the chances are NONE and NONE.

So why are the Democrats so adamant about chasing this dream of impeaching Trump and having him removed from office ?

We all know that the Dems think removing President Trump from office is the only way they can hope to win the election in 2020. How would you like to be hanging all your hopes on Joe Biden, or Pocahontas, or Comrade Sanders, or the current Mayor of South Bend, Indiana. That explains why many on the Left are calling for Crooked Hillary to jump into the race.
We all know that the Left wants President Trump impeached and removed from office so the Dems can win the election in 2020.

But last night a startling thought hit me out of the clear blue. You see, I am retired after serving 35 years in Law Enforcement. I was fortunate enough to move up the ranks and eventually served for a decade as Police Chief in my home town.

It's been almost 50 years, but I still recall police vernacular used in the early 70's for a less than honorable police practice: "You can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride".
This referred to a suspect being arrested and charged when the facts likely would NOT support a conviction. Fortunately Law Enforcement abandoned that despicable action decades ago.

Unfortunately it would appear that the Democrats have adopted that same practice in their attempts to impeach and remove President Donald J. Trump from the Office of President of the United States.
Yep Mr. President, the Democrats know they can't win this impeachment malarkey. But in their desires to win the 2020 election by any means necessary, they are resorting to adopting the concept of "you may beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride".

Well, rest assured Mr. President, I and millions like me have your back. You will beat the rap. You will take the ride, but will come out stronger on the other side. Here's hoping President Trump is reelected in 2020, the Senate remains Republican, and the House is returned to Republican control .
God Bless the USA.  Charles E Shaffer

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