Thursday, November 18, 2021



I’ve never been a proponent of beating a dead horse! But I feel obligated to do so in hope of provoking maybe one in ten Democratic voters to fact check me and discover that being educated and thinking for oneself is not a yet a felony.

The Democrat Political Party and its entire history has been dedicated to slavery and racism through the moment of this polemic’s printing! It’s a virulent, deflected, and obfuscated racism that has always been the central  core principle of well documented, recorded, and provable Democratic Party history!

Before recounting countless proofs of what the Democratic Party is as a whole, I’d like to comment on those who slavishly devote themselves to being Democrat voters: “you’re” one of three things 1) a racist yourself  2) completely ignorant or simply ignore the precedence’s of history 3) a complacent dumbass!

Indulge me recounting historical proofs that the left is doing yeoman’s work to hide from view behind their racist hypocrisy today by discouraging the teaching of history in schools and colleges except for that that supports the “progressive left’s” legends and fairy tales.

The lazy historical view of the Civil War was the North victors sometimes espoused that it was a war to free the slaves. Economics were central to the agrarian south and if slaves were freed and were paid their worth profits from plantations would plummet. A somewhat oversimplification perhaps, but close enough for government work, especially if you are still an incomparably stupid stubborn Biden supporter

Perhaps the greatest irony for the uninformed and less educated is that more abolitionist groups existed in the Confederate South than in the North before the Civil War began. Well, yeah. so the North prevailed.  But not really.

From studying history in Ohio when America was number one in Public education instead of 35th today we knew something about the existence of the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow and heard about segregation which was really difficult for us to grasp because Blacks and Whites went to the same schools, drank from the same water fountains, ate in the same cafeterias and restaurants, and rode the same buses and sat wherever they pleased. Sure, there was what I call closet racism in the North because Blacks were discouraged from living in upscale white neighborhoods until “blockbusting” became a tactic in the 1960s where a Black family of means would be able to purchase a home with the help of an honest, unbiased but greedy Real Estate agent making a substantial bundle in fees for their “lack of bias”!

To reiterate for the umpteenth time, the Democratic Party was founded by Presidents Andrew Jackson and President to be Martin Van Buren in 1828, both slave owners. Until Google became a dedicated censor of things detrimental to the Democratic Party, I found references to Jackson as having had around a hundred slaves: now only a dozen or so after Google censorship. In a few more years, he won’t have had any as the left continues Its dedicated march to rewrite history.

The Democratic Political Party for the last 70 years has dedicated itself to deflection and obfuscation. They well know they are the party that birthed the Ku Klux Klan (see deceased Democrat Senator Robert Carlyle Byrd,  ranking Ku Klux Klan Kleagle), JIM CROW Laws and Segregation. Nowadays they take every opportunity to deflect their continuing innate and  despicable history of racism to the Republican Party. Oh yeah Joe Biden eulogized Byrd at his funeral, revealing himself to be a racist bastard!

Democrat ass Woodrow Wilson not only segregated the U.S. Military, but the Washington bureaucracy. Black military groups were led by white officers. Blacks working in the government bureaucracy had to use separate facilities from whites. Wasn’t Woodrow a great “Progressive?

Then along comes LBJ and The Great Society to help the ”Negra” get on the dole and be dependent on the Democrats. The Republicans, who had been fighting the Democrats for a solid 100 get Civil Rights legislation into law joyously helped pass a law that would ban Jim Crow and segregation, not realizing it was a tradeoff for the Democrats to re-enslave blacks by using welfare as bait and purposely destroying the Black nuclear family by paying unmarried black women big bucks per kid and buy votes!.

 Lastly, the entire Congressional Black Caucus is completely composed of racist Uncle Toms who are getting rich and doing nothing for their constituents whatsoever.

Republicans amaze me by allowing the Democrats to lie about their inherent racism without a concerted counter-attack known as historical truth!

*John Frock is an Ohio native, author, and has lived in San Angelo for almost a half century. He’s twice retired: USAF Intelligence Analyst and Past Postmaster of Winter’s, Tx.



Monday, November 01, 2021

Let's Go, Brandon!


The viral cheer, "Let's go Brandon" is as much on an indictment of the news media as it is an indication of the displeasure by voters toward the current political environment under the Biden Administration.
Voters for the most part wish two things. Biden needs to reverse everything he changed after he stole the election and the news media needs to stop offering opinions on everything and simply report the news.
"It started at an Oct. 2 NASCAR race at the Talladega Superspeedway in Alabama. Brandon Brown, a 28-year-old driver, had won his first Xfinity Series and was being interviewed by an NBC Sports reporter. The crowd behind him was chanting something at first difficult to make out. The reporter suggested they were chanting “Let’s go, Brandon” to cheer the driver. But it became increasingly clear they were saying: “F—- Joe Biden.”

Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Climate change is propaganda

 BB’s Take: The current mandatory repeated science phrase “Climate change” is propaganda in the subtlest form. Understand that every single time this phrase is used to explain anything to do with actual climate it really means man is destroying the planet. It doesn’t mean an earth cycle, or a wobbling of the moon, it means our government has the responsibility to take away your freedom to save the planet and has every intention of doing just that.

Before you get your feathers all rustled up to explain it is appearing we are having weather anomalies – throughout history we have ALWAYS had unpredictable swings in weather. Always. When progressives found out they couldn’t bamboozle the world with “Global Warming”, they took on a more subtle and sinister version by changing it to “climate change”; linking the two words and making it easy for everyone to agree the climate appears to be changing. For the good of the people, climate change lawmakers will take away more freedoms which will accomplice their goal of making us more dependent on the government.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Hurricane season could be anarchy instead

 BB's Take: Folks are talking about a possible hurricane and urging everyone to be prepared. If after January 20th 2021, you have not prepared for possible loss of power with extra gas, a means to protect your property and life, propane, water purification, food, generator, etc. A hurricane is the least of your problems (add in wildfires, tornadoes, and floods if you don't live on the Gulf Coast) and this is still aimed at you. I believe anarchy is coming. Anarchy happens when the police cannot insure your safety.

All our current government has to do is shut off the power grid (for ANY reason) and cell service and we are in very serious trouble. Stock up and if it doesn't happen, nothing lost. Aim at 6 months food by buying 25# bags of rice, beans, and seasonings and at the least, you won't starve.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Dear Mr. President

 A letter from my son in law's grandfather who is about 15 years older than me and ex-OSI/CIA/NSA spook.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Boycott Racism

 BB's Take: Racism: Promoting or denigrating a race over the other races. If you truly want to fight back against racism, boycott the companies that promote it to their employees, like Coca-cola, Subway, Burger King, and now Bank of America.

Bank of America tells employees US is 'white supremacist' and to get 'woke at work'. The Bank of America materials even target children, saying white toddlers as early as age three have potential racial biases.

Newly leaked documents reveal that the Bank of America’s executives are making employees go through lessons that tell them that the USA is a racist country and that they must prioritize racial privilege in their world views.

Remember this, racism exists because it has been politicized, not because Americans hate each other because we look different than each other. Think about it.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Grifter Joe

 I spent 651 days in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. My base was losing aircraft and pilots. Richard Nixon was President. Jane Fonda was in Hanoi. USAF and Navy aviators were in the Hanoi Hilton and Joe Biden was active in politics under Nixon. In all that time, Old Joe has not fathered one single piece of meaningful legislation and he is still on a streak to do nothing at tax payers expense. It is so surreal as to be fiction that he is a duly elected president

I would not buy a used car from Joe the grifter and where are all the Joe supporters now?

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The CV-19 Vaccine and Agent Orange

 BB's Take: People are posting to simply get the vaccine because they believe the un-vaxxed are going to infect others. Just get it they say. Now I will tell you what I told my VA doctor the other day when he derided our governor over not requiring mask mandates.

"They said Agent Orange was safe, remember?" That stopped him in his tracks. It took years to see what this chemical does to the human body.
The number of Vietnam veterans affected by the chemical Agent Orange is astonishing. Roughly 300,000 veterans have died from Agent Orange exposure -- that's almost five times as many as the 58-thousand who died in combat.
How much proof does it take to realize our government is talking out of both sides of it's collective mouth? If you want to take how many shots they decide you need, then fricken take them, but leave the rest of us alone until we deem it safe enough to introduce into our own body. The HIPPA law was supposed to make our medical history private, remember?
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge.

BB's Uncensored Daily News Brief 02-20-25

 BB's Uncensored Daily News Brief 02-20-25 Use a search engine to investigate each headline. -Port of Galveston committee votes Pier 15 ...