Thursday, November 18, 2021



I’ve never been a proponent of beating a dead horse! But I feel obligated to do so in hope of provoking maybe one in ten Democratic voters to fact check me and discover that being educated and thinking for oneself is not a yet a felony.

The Democrat Political Party and its entire history has been dedicated to slavery and racism through the moment of this polemic’s printing! It’s a virulent, deflected, and obfuscated racism that has always been the central  core principle of well documented, recorded, and provable Democratic Party history!

Before recounting countless proofs of what the Democratic Party is as a whole, I’d like to comment on those who slavishly devote themselves to being Democrat voters: “you’re” one of three things 1) a racist yourself  2) completely ignorant or simply ignore the precedence’s of history 3) a complacent dumbass!

Indulge me recounting historical proofs that the left is doing yeoman’s work to hide from view behind their racist hypocrisy today by discouraging the teaching of history in schools and colleges except for that that supports the “progressive left’s” legends and fairy tales.

The lazy historical view of the Civil War was the North victors sometimes espoused that it was a war to free the slaves. Economics were central to the agrarian south and if slaves were freed and were paid their worth profits from plantations would plummet. A somewhat oversimplification perhaps, but close enough for government work, especially if you are still an incomparably stupid stubborn Biden supporter

Perhaps the greatest irony for the uninformed and less educated is that more abolitionist groups existed in the Confederate South than in the North before the Civil War began. Well, yeah. so the North prevailed.  But not really.

From studying history in Ohio when America was number one in Public education instead of 35th today we knew something about the existence of the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow and heard about segregation which was really difficult for us to grasp because Blacks and Whites went to the same schools, drank from the same water fountains, ate in the same cafeterias and restaurants, and rode the same buses and sat wherever they pleased. Sure, there was what I call closet racism in the North because Blacks were discouraged from living in upscale white neighborhoods until “blockbusting” became a tactic in the 1960s where a Black family of means would be able to purchase a home with the help of an honest, unbiased but greedy Real Estate agent making a substantial bundle in fees for their “lack of bias”!

To reiterate for the umpteenth time, the Democratic Party was founded by Presidents Andrew Jackson and President to be Martin Van Buren in 1828, both slave owners. Until Google became a dedicated censor of things detrimental to the Democratic Party, I found references to Jackson as having had around a hundred slaves: now only a dozen or so after Google censorship. In a few more years, he won’t have had any as the left continues Its dedicated march to rewrite history.

The Democratic Political Party for the last 70 years has dedicated itself to deflection and obfuscation. They well know they are the party that birthed the Ku Klux Klan (see deceased Democrat Senator Robert Carlyle Byrd,  ranking Ku Klux Klan Kleagle), JIM CROW Laws and Segregation. Nowadays they take every opportunity to deflect their continuing innate and  despicable history of racism to the Republican Party. Oh yeah Joe Biden eulogized Byrd at his funeral, revealing himself to be a racist bastard!

Democrat ass Woodrow Wilson not only segregated the U.S. Military, but the Washington bureaucracy. Black military groups were led by white officers. Blacks working in the government bureaucracy had to use separate facilities from whites. Wasn’t Woodrow a great “Progressive?

Then along comes LBJ and The Great Society to help the ”Negra” get on the dole and be dependent on the Democrats. The Republicans, who had been fighting the Democrats for a solid 100 get Civil Rights legislation into law joyously helped pass a law that would ban Jim Crow and segregation, not realizing it was a tradeoff for the Democrats to re-enslave blacks by using welfare as bait and purposely destroying the Black nuclear family by paying unmarried black women big bucks per kid and buy votes!.

 Lastly, the entire Congressional Black Caucus is completely composed of racist Uncle Toms who are getting rich and doing nothing for their constituents whatsoever.

Republicans amaze me by allowing the Democrats to lie about their inherent racism without a concerted counter-attack known as historical truth!

*John Frock is an Ohio native, author, and has lived in San Angelo for almost a half century. He’s twice retired: USAF Intelligence Analyst and Past Postmaster of Winter’s, Tx.



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