Saturday, September 23, 2006

Danny Glover Commie Lover

I watched with sizzling anger as that idiot Marxist Chavez blasted every American in this country and people actually thought he was talking only about the President.

Then on to the churches where, heckfire, I guess registered American voters were cheering a foreign dictator over our own President. They wouldn’t be allowed that ‘right’ in Hugo’s own country. Then Danny Glover gets up and lays credence to his remarks even calling him friend and brother…Oh brother, where art thou really? Mel should have let the bad guys have him about 4 movies ago.

What Danny needs is a reality check and a swift kick in the backside by someone with a dab of sense. Hugo is biting the very hand that feeds him, as the good old USA is his best customer. Chavez is offering cheap gas in NYC as a slap in the face of George Bush while 50% of his own country is unemployed and suffering a 15% inflation rate.

If only we Americans could wean ourselves from our addiction to gas guzzling cars and trucks, we could shut Hugo Chavez up like a Texas oyster, but alas…

I apologize to the liberals out ‘there’ in Electroland for not using extensive and exclusively copy and pasted material as my own opinion.

1 comment:

Ron said...

You know, I mean no disrespect when I say that, as far as I know, you've got Chavez completely wrong. I'm not holding him up as some sort of saint or anything, but it seems to me that his "crimes" are much more about offering his people and other Latin Americans an alternative economic model that's much more about schools and health care than it is about investor rights and "free" market fundamentalism. President Bush, as one of the biggest global "free" trade cheerleaders, not to mention a reckless gunslinger in terms of foreign policy, and who also backed the decidedly anti-democratic coup against Chavez, would necessarily be a "diablo" from his point of view.

Besides, Chavez is certainly no communist in either a Marxist or a Soviet sense. Socialist is probably a better word to use. And where is your evidence that he's a dictator? I've never heard even US reporters use that word to describe him: after all, it was the people of Venezuela, not the military or wealthy juntas who usually back South American dictators, who restored him to power after the aborted coup. Again, no disrespect here, but I think you have no idea what you're talking about.

Finally, given that my economic and political views are much more in line with Chavez than with Bush, as an American, I felt no disrespect from him at all. Bush is the Devil, metaphorically speaking of course, and he deserves such a status for everything from lying about WMD to get us into a quagmire of war which is apparently doing nothing but creating more Islamic anti-American terrorists, to the botched FEMA response to Katrina.

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