Monday, November 23, 2009

What This Town Needs is a Good Cheap Donut!

This town needs a good dozen donuts that don’t cost an arm and a leg.

On a spur of the moment decision, I decided to whip into Shipley Donut Shop on Garth Road and West Baker for some plain cake donuts. I hadn’t had one in, like, forever (stupid Valley girl talk that’s ruining people’s vocabularies) and the time and traffic were right.

The lady behind the counter disconnected whoever she was communicating with on her personal talking device and lethargically asked what I wanted. I cheerfully replied I wanted a half dozen plain cake donuts.

Ka-ching! $3.99 please…

Four dollars, for six two and one half inch non-descript plain cake donuts? I mean, there’s no filling, sprinkles, or glaze on them, I thought, but handed over a fiver.

When I got home, I looked in the box and pulling one of these diamond encrusted and precious lumps of deep-friend dough out of the box, I measured the pastry to see how much acreage was going for these days…not much for my money.

The unadorned donut in my hand was a measly 2 1/2 inches across for about 70 cents. It tasted okay – that’s all, just okay.

So, picking up the land-line, I called the various shops in town to see what the going rate is. Here is what I came up with:

Shipley Donut Shop - Glaze/Doz $6.69 Cake $6.99  Most Expensive donut award

Doughnut Wheel - G $4.99 C $5.99
Snowflake - G $5.45 C $5.75
Donald Donuts - No Answer
Baytown Donuts - No Answer
West Coast Donut - G $5.99 C $5.99
Victoria’s Gourmet - G $5.99 C $5.99

Shipley won for being the most expensive overall in these two categories – glazed and cake. Doughnut wheel, which incidentally my sister-in-law, Tammy Tallant says has the most delicious cinnamon rolls, came in with the lowest price on glazed, but lost the cake donut title to Snowflake.

I apologize to the shops I did not poll, but if you will drop me a line, I’ll come over and check you out.


Anonymous said...

Read your blog about donuts referring to the price of cake donuts. The last time you had a good cake donut was when I brought them. The Mon I Shifts let me know they miss the donuts, ice cream and etc.

In any case donuts are not cheap but quite tasty.

Tamales are a very good product that is still quite cheap and good.
Kelm Here

Anonymous said...

Your mind works in very mysterious ways, doesn't it? Laurie

Anonymous said...

LOL.. I love Shipley donuts. That's one of my favorite place to go when I am home. I attend to go few times while I.m home. Jenny

Anonymous said...

The only place to buy donuts it Baytown is Snow Flake. I was getting donuts from there since I was little bitty. Ash

Anonymous said...

I went to Boston for a week and it's nuts with their Donuts. The entire town goes to Dunkin Donuts. Hundreds of people at a time causing taffic jams. they even get in fights for them. I like the glazed donuts that are real soft. We had a donut shop in my little neighborhood near Humble that as family owned...great donuts and kolaches...6 big kolaches for about 3 bucks, and a dozen glazed donuts for about 4. But then the city of Houston annexed us and they went out of business because of all the taxes and all the new taxes they slapped on them. Bob Lanier killed our donut shop, as well as the church bake sales, when they made them get permits for that too.

Anonymous said...

Snow FLAKE will make you hurt yourself...and they just melt in your MOUTH...Hey Bert, They are delivered to your plant on TUESDAYS...want me to hook you up? Barb

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