Sunday, September 07, 2014

Junior High Sports and Vicarious Dads

This is Baytown Bert in Baytown, Texas and this is Podcast 012

At one of the 6th grade Optimist football games last Saturday, I was disturbed at the many fathers vicariously playing their son's football game, by screaming at their kid before every play and in their enthusiasm, even venturing out on the field. It was one team’s dads in particular and not only set a poor example, but amped up the feeling of stress to everyone on the sidelines. These men were barely in control at times and during one huddle, five of them ran out to high-five the players.

Each father was over-weight and possibly trying to relive their glory days, forgetting that it was stiflingly hot with high humidity and no wind. The poor coach was doing his best to get the plays to the boys, but time and time again I watched the boys move to a different location as directed by their dad’s loud bellowing.

Note to Dad's who can’t be spectators:  Shut up and let the coach call the plays. You are an embarrassment to everyone except yourself and your time has came and went.

Each child out there, including the little cheerleaders were cooking in the hot Texas sun and deserve supportive parents, who are more interested in their child's welfare and personal development, then being obnoxiously loud and letting everyone know how much knowledge old dad has about the game.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised the organization hasn't banned parents from getting on the field. DH

Anonymous said...

Parents need to stay off the field or sidelines and in their seats. Let the coach do their job. VA

Anonymous said...

Maybe the refs should have intervened? LW

Anonymous said...

It's the same with pageant moms. SM

Anonymous said...

Those knuckleheads will cause their boys to hate the game and quit it! JC

Anonymous said...

Ren Fitts Bert, when I was a coach of kids football and baseball I had a few one on one talks with parents who were quick to holler but never volunteered to help coach plus, get this many never played sports... I also found out many of my kids never had anyone who praised them and helped them to learn...Hate to say this but kids of divorced parents needed some extra support and many became some of my best players and always showed up because my great wife was always Team Mom and spoiled the Teams

Anonymous said...

It m a key a vert stressful time...and the fathers just don't get it. Yes hopefully optimist sets some rules that the other leagues don't have. Go to little league games..just as bad..even with mom's
It's a game people... BP

Anonymous said...

I have never seen anything like it. People in Texas are crazy about their sports. All these parents think their child is going to be the next best thing. TB

. . . . . said...

In the end, the nerds come out on top. Sports are great, no doubt about it, but every star athlete is one injury away from a bread line.

Anonymous said...

To many times emotions get out of control, everyone except players and coaches should be kept off the field/sidelines, and in high school girls especially need to be kept off the sidelines! DC

Anonymous said...

It's like this in all states. Not just Texas. I've seen little league in Al., Ga., Fl., Mo., La., and Tx. It's the same. I can hear the coaches and parents yelling and cussing at their little leaguers from my house since they practice at the Elementary school. It is also seen in cheer, band (competition marching), pageant, dance, and so much more. Parents that are out-of-control lead to children that are out-of-control. TC

Anonymous said...

I saw so much of this in baseball that it pretty much turned me off to kids sports. Obese parents screaming, sometimes with profanities, and I'm thinking " man you couldn't even run the bases one time". As far as them reliving glory days, I think many of their days were not as glorious as they remember. SJ

Anonymous said...

When I coached soccer, that was also a problem. Moving both teams to the same sideline and keeping the parents on the other worked wonders. R2

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is insane! LT

Anonymous said...

Sadly, have seen it many times. BW

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