In light of the recent campus shooting in Oregon,
I am reminded what a Russian truck driver told me when I asked about the many
guns in America and if it
bothered him seeing they can't have guns in Russia. "In Russia,
when we want to kill someone, we use a hammer."
If someone is bent on killing people, they will find a way.
This mass shooting in Oregon
happened in a gun-free zone. No one except law officers were allowed to carry a
firearm on campus and the college had voted one cop was enough. A 30.06 sign banning everyone else from
carrying a firearm insured the shooter would not be immediately stopped. All
the sign does is make concealed handgun license owners as vulnerable as those
that hate guns and just as helpless.
![]() |
Chris Harper-Mercer |
Our own police department views CHL carriers as augmentees
and force multipliers in the event that the police department or an officer is
overwhelmed. Look around your social group as an example. Many people you
associate with carry a weapon, but you never see it and often times enjoy your
own safety knowing Uncle Bob has his gun. I have carried a firearm for over ten
years and I’ve never shot anyone.
When you live in a society where deranged or ideologically
motivated people commit these types of crimes, putting up a sign is about as
effective as swinging a feather at a cannon ball. Our President can issue a
statement on his frustration over and over again and it will continue to propel
the idea that guns kill people instead of people kill people.
Changing the second amendment of the Constitution and
removing the inalienable right to protect yourself, is not going to stop a
single deranged or misguided criminal from shooting up any place where people
congregate. Here in an area where 6 million people rub shoulders, we are seeing
more and more examples of CHL holders fighting back and that sure beats the
Jim McDonnel: A sad tragedy. Makes me sick to my stomach to see the President go on TV and start talking about gun control only hours after this incident. Why not just express sorrow, prayer, and support for the families and friends. Debate can come later.
Kurtiss Elder: I agree with your Russian truck driver, evil doesn't live in a tool or a gun. It lives and is active in people's hearts and actions. No sign on a door will prevent a psycho from being a psycho
Denise S: I agree with Jim. The President was low to make the talk in those moments about gun control. Especially before knowing any facts like - wears the gun bought legally. And my first thoughts that day?Why didn't someone shoot the killer before police got there? It's a crime and a sin that we are made to feel bad in wanting to protect ourselves - and our children.
Deb H. Totally agree Bert. Do you think it would help to bring back mental hospitals?
Ron Barajas
Obama was damned if he did damned if didn't come on TV..if he hadn't he would of been chastised, but I agree, the message should be about sympathy and about the families suffering in their loss..all who politicize this at this time are wrong in their approach is my opinion.
Amy W: As an independent voter, I don't look at things thru a party lens anymore. I began listening to Pres. Obama's lecture with interest, but ended it feeling a bit of anger. If our president really wants the healing he talked about, he needs to look in the mirror. Most of what that shooter said in his writings he left can be laid right at Obama's feet. I want to tell him, spend 7 years dividing people, fracturing tolerance and inflicting chaos, this is what you get, dude. The chickens have roosted.
He has a year left in office. He can do a lot to undo a lot in that time. But will he? Highly doubtful, yet the ball is in his court. AW
Stan H: It's a pleasure to see someone with their head screwed on straight...Well written.
James C: Bert, lots of good logic in what you pass on. Shame there are many that can't or won't use logic.
Joseph D: I agree Bert. They have had a gun ban in Chicago for decades and there is 5-10 murders a week. If they ban guns the only people that will have guns will be bad people. They have made drugs illegal and the cartels down in central America make billions off of our laws..banning guns will just open up the black market and bad people will prosper. It took me a long time to understand that but the truth is the truth
Mark R: I don't always agree with Bert which is why I respect his opinion. I never learned much from someone that always agreed with me. However, this time we are in agreement. Guns don't kill people anymore than silverware makes you fat. Great post Bert.
Sue Chandler: When they do studies to see the time frame for when mass shootings escalated, why don't they go after the gaming industry that trains and desensitizes players to become killers? Look at the shows on television and movies that show killing and killers in such graphic detail as entertainment. As you've stated, the gun is a tool. The act of killing starts in the mind and more than likely his mind was entertained using killing games.
Mike Lewis: You are so right Bert!
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