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Come and take it. |
I grew up in a gun-owning family. As far as I know, I am the only one of us 7
who has ever pointed a real gun at someone with the intention of pulling the
trigger. My first firearm was a single shot 12 gauge Savage shotgun my Dad or
Mom won at a turkey shoot in Woodstock,
Georgia. I was 14. My brother Gordon was one year
younger than me and they bought him one identical to the one I got.
At the onset I want to clarify something. If you are
anti-gun and agree that Americans shouldn’t have the Constitutional right to
own a firearm or form a militia, then this column won’t change your mind. However,
if you sit on that one inch of board and could fall to one side of the voting
fence or the other, then read on.
Owning a firearm is an amazing right. It is not something
that should be taken lightly. A right by
definition is a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to
act in a certain way.
It’s a privilege also, which by definition is a special
advantage, immunity or benefit not enjoyed by all. You see, if you are a
convicted felon, you cannot own a firearm, albeit with a few exceptions. But
for the most part, you have lost that right and that privilege.
But let’s say for arguments sake that for the most part you
are a law-abiding citizen. Occasionally you drive faster than the speed limit
or jaywalk, but within the scope of this line of thought, you are not a
criminal. Our constitution allows you to own a firearm and this is in the
second amendment: A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a
free State,
the Right of the People to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
The amazing thing about this amendment is how it addresses
our future government’s possible ability to try and nullify it. "Any and
all laws, rules, regulations, proclamations, etc., Pro or Con, which may be
entered in the record, addressing these freedoms are unconstitutional".
This was put into our constitution to protect us from a tyrannical government.
Indeed. We have finally arrived at a place where the
government does not represent the bulk of voting America. Once in office, they do
everything in their power to support the party they are affiliated with,
regardless of what their voter’s desire may be. Donald Trump is gaining
velocity because he will not align himself with this self-serving single party
On January 5th, he is quoted as telling Hillary
Clinton that if she feels so strongly against citizens having guns, then she
should dismiss her bevy of secret service agents. She won’t do it because her
life matters, but according to her, yours apparently don’t. I have stressed
this same logic many times over.
Now here’s the real kicker.
All of this talk about gun ownership and whether law-abiding citizens
can own and carry guns has no effect whatsoever on organized crime, common
violent criminals, and people who are just angry bat crazy. Tightening gun laws will have no effect on
them and only serve to disarm those of us who want a first line of defense to
protect our families and ourselves.
But let’s back up a bit.
As a long time martial artist, I want to bring out a point about
resisting an attacker. Owning a gun and
having a permit to carry it is only half of the equation and the second half can’t
be purchased or tested in a classroom.
This is the terrible truth of carrying a legal firearm or having it for
home defense when confronted by an attacker.
The time may just come when someone will call your bluff and
break into the house you’ve told everyone you will defend with a gun. “I’ll blow them away!” may just be put to the
ultimate test of taking another human’s life and folks; this is not something
you ever want to have happen to you. But
if that time comes, you better make danged sure you can pull that trigger, or
put that gun away right now and get a Rottweiler.
This cannot be taught and tested in a open carry, boxing,
mixed martial art, or karate class. You
can either do it, or you can’t and waiting to find out when you need to do it is
a might weak strategy. Most of us live
under a moral code of conduct which a crazed person or a criminal does not. In
my mind’s eye I have envisioned bracing this kind of person so many times I
cannot number them and I believe I can pass that horrifying test, but maybe
not. I have before, but what about next time, or the time after that?
However, I still want the constitutional right and privilege
to decide if I can own and carry a firearm. I do not want the Federal
government making that decision for me. In the meantime I can keep my firearm
safely on my hip or in my home and no one is harmed by my possession of the gun
and it will stay that way.
*Quote from Wikipedia
Dandy Don Cunningham: Very good article in The Baytown Sun this morning, Bert. I have thought about that decision a lot of times. It's something everyone should think seriously about.
Brian Compton: Interesting tricked out Hi-Point carbine...nice
Brian Compton: Great write up...I too have never had to test the resolve to actually pull the trigger in a defensive situation...I too hope I do the right thing and will be able to handle the aftermath emotionally...I would like to think I am prepared but until it happens one never knows
Ted Donner: Good article. Read it in the Sun.
David Clark: I would like for one anti-gun person to explain that if they are in a building and a crazed lunatic with a gun comes in with the intention of killing people inside, other than cowering in a corner trying to hide, how do you plan on dealing with this situation?
KC: I still have'nt read or heard anything from this administration about TAKING AWAY the people right to bear arms. I've read and heard for tighter control and background checks. I don't understand how people can contrue this to mean put all your guns in the middle of the street so they can be picked up.
Good read Bert,
Saw in the news this week 65 yr old woman, 4ft 11in 100 lb, followed home from gas station. She got worried when a car followed her, big guy walking fast behind her then jumped in front of her. She shot the guy and the female in his car took him to ER. That was the 1st time she shot this gun she'd had for 10 yr. No charges against her. Made me think I should always carry.....Deb
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