Sunday, September 22, 2019

Understanding the standard Democratic goal

As a voter, sometimes it is difficult to figure out who is telling the truth and who is promising a non-existent Utopia.  If you like what Trump is doing for the country... vote for him again in 2020. If you are still on the fence over the other party, understanding the standard Democratic goal is simple. I say it is a simple formula because all of the Democratic candidates have the same message.

Through legislation, they plan to outlaw :
1. the right to own or bear firearms including revoking civilian gun permits.
2. decision to chose your own food, including beef.
3. decision to control the thermostat in your house/work place/stores
4. right of freedom of speech.
5. remove representation from taxation.
6. install rigid guidelines to enforce the "protection of the environment" over citizens rights, including mandatory community gardens co-ops.
7. Remove the choice of any healthcare other than Socialized medicine they provide, including triage of the aged, infirm, and imperfect.
8. Further restrict travel to only the State level without a passport.
9. Further dilute the abortion laws until there are none.
10. Turn every law inward to make the populace more dependent on government. Eventual confiscation of all private business.
11. Remove all reference in the English language concerning gender differences.

I couldn't find anything they want to "give" us that doesn't include first "taking" from us through higher taxes, or restricting our freedoms and all in the name of The People.
Am I wrong? Did I get something terribly wrong or did I miss something even bigger? 
Note: none of this is from copy and paste.


Anonymous said...

Steve McDaniel: You are spot on with your list but I would add to it the elimination of any fossil fuel products or and product produced from crude oil. About half of all manufactured products are derived from crude oil, so in essence their agenda would devastate our economy. Just imagine if say it was mandated that we phase out all crude oil production over the next 10 years what that would do to the Houston area? we would turn into Detroit overnight. These people are dangerous to our future.

. . . . . said...

D Cutler: You got it right!

A Lankford: From all I’ve heard and read, I too agree. Some of the above they will be slowly to start as they indoctrinate those who might put up a fuss but it’s just a start.

J Dykehouse: They are right out of the communist manifesto...we are equal, the money you make belongs to everybody. You put these clowns in there you will hear things like "You can keep your house if...."You can keep your car if....". They dont want anyone to own anything unless it comes from the state.

P Norton: Then one of the problems is the elderly Democrats will refuse to vote any other way. They believe everything with that party tells them. It is their way of life and they don’t want to know any different.

Michael M: I consider the Democratic party today a direct threat to individual freedom and LIBERTY as we understand it.

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 BB's Massive Daily News Brief 02-23-25 Use a search engine to investigate each headline. -Houston Mayor John Whitmire seeks replacement...