Wednesday, March 29, 2006



1/2 c. shortening
1 c. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. molasses
3/4 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. raisins or dates
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 egg
3/4 tsp. soda
1 1/3 c. flour
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 c. nuts

Make into balls and press down on greased cookie sheet.

Bake at 350°F for 10 to 15 minutes

Monday, March 27, 2006

Disrupting dead servicemen's funerals- in the name of Jesus?

Unfortunately, s small group of religious fanatics have decided the best way to denounce our country's policies in Iraq, is to show up at dead soldiers (et al) funerals and protest.

It's in extreme poor taste and crass, ignorant, and a whole bunch of other mean and nasty things, as Arlo would say.

There is a motorcycle organization that is countering it to show support for the families. They are called the “Patriot Guard Riders." I don’t own a MC, or I would ride. If I hear of a G.I.’s funeral in this area, I will attend to show support to the family. It has nothing to do with support of our government’s policies. Blame the government, not the soldier

I hope folks hold onto their tempers. My brother and I were at Wesley Riggs memorial in Beach City the day they dedicated a flag pole and plaque to the young soldier. We would not have taken too kindly to someone trying to disrupt it and that's the plain truth.

Read about it here:

Monday, March 20, 2006

Collecting a rebate or warranty service

Dell Computers - forget ever collecting a rebate from this company. My Laptop with a $100 rebate took one year and THAT was after many phone calls.

Dell acknowleged next rebate received 12-22-06. I am now in my 3rd month on 2 Dell DJ MP3 players ($50 rebate each). After the 3rd session, I was given more case numbers and told to wait 6 weeks for my rebate.

*Rebate received after 13 weeks. Case closed.


Philips Electronics - Sent DVD player in 1-21-06, item acknowledged received 2-7-06 and completed 2-15-06. 3-6-06 called Philips and was told I'd receive the item 3-15-06 (one month after repair/replacement). 3-20-06 called Philips when item did not come in and was given new case number and told to wait 2 business days so they could check it out.

*New DVD player received (upgraded model) 4-09-06 Case closed.


Bottom line is both companies have historically offered very high quality products. It appears their plan is to stall until the customer gives up. So save all receipts and correspondence, you will need it.

Monday, March 13, 2006

2 delicious cooked chickens under $5

2 delicious chickens cooked for under 5 bucks

Buy 2 young fryers whole. They run about $2 to $2.25 each.

Cut them in half lengthwise for a total of 4 pieces.

Get a large baking pan and spray it with Pam non-stick spray.

Lay your 4 pieces into this pan and add one stick of butter cut length wise in 4 pieces.

Sprinkle anything on top in the way of seasonings you want and do it very liberally.

Sprinkle some olive oil on top of the chicken also and some vinegar based oil also if you like.

Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 3 hours at 350F.

The chicken will fall off the bone and be very tender. Freeze what you don't eat for later.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Muslims challenge noise ordinance in USA

In Hamtramck Michigan, Muslims challenged the city noise ordinance to exempt their mosque so they could use a loudspeaker to call Muslims to pray 5 times a day...and WON! This was in 2004 and what was once a Polish-Catholic community has become one the largest concentration of Muslims in the state of Michigan.

This area is now a hotbed of violence due to anti-Muslim whiplash.

My question is this:

Based on the probability that Muslims around the country are also petitioning their cities for the same noise ordinance exemption, will you support it in the name of freedom of religion when it comes to your town?

It's something you had better decide on and vote or write your local government and let them know how you feel. I personally think 'freedom of religion' in this country does not include one religion demanding that everyone be subject to their religion's creeds. I also think 'freedom of religion' means that I don't have to acknowledge a religion I personally think is corrupt. I think my First Ammendment right to say that is also without questioning. If the church next door decides to burn car tires as an offering to their God, I shouldn't have to be subject to the smoke.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Have we lost our resolve w/o knowing it?

Something I am very concerned with is American apathy. Back when 9-11 took us by surprise we patriotic Americans were ready to do whatever it took to stop terrorism (or get even, take your pick). Now, a few years later we all believe we are more prepared and just as intolerant towards terror, but I am seeing signs of the opposite. Our President's resolve to see this thing through is being attacked at every level both by Republicans and Democrats. I share his belief these radical people are never going to stop trying to kill Americans here and abroad.

I created an Osama Bin Laden poster with a bullet hole between his eyes and a bloody American flag draped in the background. At the bottom of the poster is actual Bin Laden quotes about how killing Americans is doing God's work. I showed it to a number of people yesterday and they all admitted it looked very professional as to the graphics, but no one thought it was a good idea to actually put it on a wall, especially at work! In fact, I was told NOT to put it on the wall over my desk. It wasn't humor. It was death. It was ugly reality.

Now, let's back up to September 12th, 2001. My Unit Superintendent had hundreds of bumper stickers printed and sold them at cost recommending we kill Bin Laden in an ugly fashion. Everyone was on board and proudly displayed them.

Yes, we as Americans believe we should do our part, but what we really want is for the whole thing to just go away. We are like a mean old dog that gets poked through a fence. We bark a lot and 10 minutes later we forget we were ever poked and go back to sleep not realizing the character with the stick is still standing on the other side of the fence.

Baytown Bert

Get the poster! Click here

BB's Uncensored Daily News Brief 02-21-25

 BB's Uncensored Daily News Brief 02-21-25 Use a search engine to investigate each headline. -Feds crack down Houston-area Katy Bandidos...