Thursday, August 29, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein Preferred the Taboo Life

Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein

The man is a lesson is extremism. The more he had, the more he wanted. The world's most beautiful women were not enough for him. He wanted taboo and his money would buy that in the uttermost. Be careful what you wish for folks. If you were to get whatever it was that lures you, it might also ruin your life. I don't ever want to get to the place that a nice walk or bike ride satisfies my inner man. I do not need extreme in my life. I need moderation. Isn't that taught in the Bible somewhere?

I have unsubstantiated belief that 95% of the women and girls who came in contact with this man, had full knowledge they were playing with fire. Now what that fire means is another story. However, in the circles this man traveled, women coming to him most likely knew what was in store. As far as the minor girls go, this important point has to considered on a global scale. In New Hampshire, if the parents give consent, a daughter can marry at 13. In Massachusetts, a girl can marry at 12 if her parents sign off!|

I have no information on how many underage "girls" were in his company during all the years he was active, but again I suspect very few girls were with him against their will and all felt to benefit either by money or a boost in their career. The man is dead by his own hand (or with help). He has paid for his sins in this life by forfeiting his own life (thankfully for many, because the trial would have been so damaging to so many powerful people).

I predict because of his far reach, the press will be fed bits and pieces until no one cares anymore and then years later a book will expose everyone and again no one will care.


. . . . . said...

I have unsubstantiated belief that 95% of the women and girls who came in contact with this man, had full knowledge they were playing with fire. Now what that fire means is another story. However, in the circles this man traveled, women coming to him most likely knew what was in store. As far as the minor girls go, this important point has to considered on a global scale. In New Hampshire, if the parents give consent, a daughter can marry at 13. In Massachusetts, a girl can marry at 12 if her parents sign off!|

I have no information on how many underage "girls" were in his company during all the years he was active, but again I suspect very few girls were with him against their will and all felt to benefit either by money or a boost in their movie career. The man is dead by his own hand (or with help). He has paid for his sins in this life by forfeiting his own life (thankfully because the trial would have been so damaging to so many powerful people).

Because of his far reach, the press will be fed bits and pieces until no one cares anymore and then years later a book will expose everyone and again no one will care.

Anonymous said...

TWB: I agree. I think many women who are "victims," went into their situations fully aware of what could go wrong. Then when they had to look at themselves in the mirror and didn't like what they saw, cried wolf.

LM: Bert Marshall just because a child can be married at 13 in or 12 doesn’t make it ok to have sex with children. It’s morally wrong and shame on every man who pretends it is not wrong. It sickens me to the core and confuses me why you are trying to justify it.

Bert Marshall: LM, write the Governor of Massachusetts and New Hampshire and complain?

Bryan Wilpitz We have to remember who Epstein worked for...MOSSAD...He was their compromised agent...their liability!
He was doing his job. Can you imagine the intelligence or dirt you could gather if it was your job to lure American politicians to commit these crimes ? Then turn around and use this dirt to push Israel’s agenda by holding it over their heads. Would the Talmudic Zionist Elite let Zionist Jeffrey Epstein sit in a Gentile prison the rest of his life when the Talmud says he did nothing wrong ? Sanhedrin 54b . A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old. Kethuboth 11b . "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing." He could still alive.. If there was proof, they would show it.........So, for a couple of months, the media provides the set-up story of suicide. Why would this man, without a conscience, commit suicide? Helped by secret agency personnel, he could be anywhere in the world. With enough money, a new name, new passport, and a beard it would work fine. I believe he is still alive.

BM:I never want so much money that I can surround myself with people who will tell me that everything I am doing is alright.

CM: Too bad some of the celebrities involved won’t be brought to justice

BP: I also believe with his money...a lot of these rooms were recorded and bet tapes will surface. A lot of high people have got to be nervous.

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 BB's Massive Daily News Brief 02-23-25 Use a search engine to investigate each headline. -Houston Mayor John Whitmire seeks replacement...