Friday, December 18, 2020

BB's Take on the Covid-19 Stats

I like many I’ve talked to are perplexed over the supposed incredible spread of Covid-19 and how we are all in danger of killing grandma... I see no evidence of it. I hear no ambulances. I see no funerals. I suspect an exponential drop in communicable diseases, which oddly is not being reported anywhere. Not here, not in Africa, not in Asia, not anywhere.

It is logical and stands to reason that if all around the globe, we are social distancing, there would be an amazing decline in disease, but we are hearing this. Now there is word that even if you get the vaccine (and I am a skeptic) you will still have to wear the mask and social distance? What? Then it is reported the vaccine is only good for 2 weeks and then a booster is required?

I recently wrote our governor here in Texas and asked him to not lock us down, as “We are not ignorant or stupid” and can protect ourselves from this ninja-type monster that can creep 80 feet and go up our nose when we aren’t looking. The disease is killing people who are already very ill, just like pneumonia always has. When the disease has a history of killing 400 out of 100,000 people, most of us feel like we will take our chances; just let us go about our daily life. We aren’t stupid or uneducated.

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