Friday, December 18, 2020

MSM versus Alt-News


My cousin is married to a Dane and is an American citizen. He told me he gets his news from MSM including NPR and he leans to the Left. He asked me to explain where I get my news. I told him I set up a table on my website with links to some alt-News found at the bottom of this replay. This site (for some reason only FB knows is blocked on Social Media. Here is the rest of my explanation to him:

BB's Take: The MSM will denounce anything that doesn't come from globally controlled MSM as conspiracy theory sites, so please understand that what you read in MSM MAY be skewed by the people paying the MSM bills. This alone should scare the bejeebers out of American voters, as freedom of speech is now a myth on social media and globalist controlled Main Stream Media (MSM). On FB I have one foot on my profile and one on the censorship banana peel. I have carefully rebuilt my profile on 4 social media platforms because it is inevitable that I will be booted for my opinions.

The four sites are: Parler (not really a fan) as Baytownbert, MeWe (which I like) as Baytown Bert, Gab ( I like) as Baytown Bert, and Codias as Bert Marshall. Like many conservatives, I watched Fox News and Drudge until both showed their true colors (who is paying their paychecks?). Months ago I began to see the cancer easing into Drudge and switched to the Bongino Report. When Fox News blatantly censored Rudy Giuliani and then Newt Gingrich was censored, I knew Fox was switch hitting instead of interviewing. I do not need talking heads to explain to me what people are saying. BB 12-18-20

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