*Won’t get fooled again – The Who
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Meet the New Boss
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Baytown Bert Enters Race for White House
The some-time opinioned Philomath, perhaps best known for self-promotion, said he will file papers with the Federal Electoral Redundancy Commission on Monday, which will enable him to legally raise money, but special coffee cups are already going “like hotcakes” on his site.
"People want an authentic candidate who has a proven record of “getting up there and going for it”," he said on IBC's "Meet My Press." "I've concluded that I should take this necessary and vital step to bring a new kind of leadership to the public squares." He added that he has received "strong, powerful support" from friends and family.
Citing his experience as a Blogger, Baytown Bert expressed concerns about overuse of senseless promises and slogans. “Because I Must” and “I Don’t Have the Answer” are two slogans he is pushing as honest and “Dadgumit, folks want to hear the message my slogans convey” he is quoted as repeating.
Baytown Bert said his belief in “finding the middle ground and not giving up an inch to the extremists” extends beyond the normal agenda of his political pundits and believes red-blooded Americans want what he wants, regardless of race, color or creed.
He is Pro on the good social issues and Nay on the bad ones. He’s not afraid to speak out against hidden agendas and will develop his campaign promises right along with all the other candidates regardless of how long it takes. “I’m a fighter (just like Pat Nixon) and I will not recess until we have something on the table!”
His platform promises (most likely) to encompass such matters as education, health care, environmental protection and affordable housing — views that Baytown Bert’s supporters see as potentially giving him broader appeal to the general electorate.
“We’ve got to get these kids out of the house and into the work force, before AARP gets a crack at them!”
“We must find a solution to all of America’s problems and find it is what I will do!”
"Bacon on every plate in America! No one left behind, not on my watch!"
“We must stop humanizing the enemy and let our military have their way with them!”
“I promise to use all the campaign funds generated by my coffee cup sales in such a manner that every supporter will feel gratified!”
Thursday, January 25, 2007
I am an uncouth man-oaf!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Make the Child Pay
Our state Representative, Wayne Smith, has introduced a bill that would make it a misdemeanor for a parent to schedule a teacher conference and not show up, or refuse to show up for a conference that a teacher requests. A first offense could result in a fine on conviction, and a second offense could result in jail time.” Thank you Barb Wooster for summing that up so eloquently...
Thursday, January 18, 2007
The Sleep of the Just
For the first 40 years of my life, I stayed perpetually tired at work. Heckfire, I was just plain tired most of the time. I was sleep-deprived and didn’t know what to do about it. The “experts” have a little test to find out if you too are sleep-deficient. Sit in a quiet environment for 5 minutes and if you yawn, you need more rest. Uh… hello? I was at the point, that when I closed my eyes, I was dreaming. Perhaps you are too.
The solution to sleep-deprivation is surprisingly simple. So simple in fact that I thought I would share my proven secrets with the many fine Baytonians who nod all day, wishing they could get a handle on their downtime.
The secret to getting up early is going to bed early.
There, I said it. Please don’t scoff and say it is the lack of time in your day that causes you to stay up so late. The real problem for most of us working folks is once we finally lay down, we are in such a hurry to get to sleep… we worry about over-sleeping. We can’t shut down. We stay up later and later and wake up so exhausted, we have trouble the rest of the day.
We are time bombs, ticking till exhaustion finally takes it toll on our job performance, our relationships and our health. We become cranky. We feel yucky. We accept this as normal. We are what Frank Zappa calls “Zomby Woofs”.
Here are my tips for going to bed and falling asleep instantly.
1. Plan your bed time. Promise yourself you will stop your day 30 minutes before bedtime. Thirty minutes just for yourself. No noise, no bright lights, no worries, no problems. If you want to be asleep at 10pm, then shut-down at 9:30pm.
2. No strenuous activity for 2 hours before bedtime. There are a number of factors which can inhibit the wind-down process such as exercising late. Do not exercise too late in the day. You will need a minimum of two hours to wind down after a heavy work-out. Do NOT drink “energy drinks” or caffeinated beverages in the evening.
3. No bright light or loud noise. Stay away from bright light and loud noise a minimum of 30 minutes before retiring. Do NOT turn on a bright bathroom light to wash your face, brush your teeth, then get into bed and expect immediate sleep. Use a night light instead. Bright light stimulates your brain and that is the last thing you want when you are tired.
Note: Violate this rule on bright light and you will not fall immediately asleep.
4. Do NOT watch television while in bed. You are injecting your eyes and ears with bright light and loud noise by repeating the behavior you are trying to eliminate. You need those 30 minutes of peace and quiet, along with the soft light to unwind.
5. Do NOT plan tomorrow. Forget today, tomorrow, your bills and the future, period. This is another mistake people make which keeps their brain active and denies rest. I let tomorrow, worry about tomorrow. You will replace your thoughts with my last recommendation.
6. Read yourself to sleep. Instead of mulling over the day’s activities, or tomorrow’s problems, read instead. I keep a history book on my nightstand and I always read in a quiet environment before I shut off the (dimmed) light. Many folks use this time to read their Bible. Find something you enjoy and keep it on the night stand.
7. End your day happy. The first time, I start to nod, I put the book down and without looking at the light, I shut off the lamp. I finish my day by whispering a prayer for my family and BAM! I’m asleep. I cannot over-stress the importance of each step, but the no bright lights and low noise are very important if you want to go to sleep immediately.
That’s it fellow Baytonians. Practice my methods for a few weeks and you too will sleep the “Sleep of the just”.
Sweet dreams!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Vietnam Veteran speaks out
Bert Marshall wrote an Excellent article in
So you can see why many leaders both Democrat and Republican make poor decisions when it comes to troop needs. Like Bert I to have a son serving our country in the military and I am proud of him and all the troops who have taken the Oath for our Country’s Defense. As a Vietnam era Veteran it was very disappointing to see my era Veterans go through a war time with no support and Bert is right on target saying its starting to happen to today’s troops due to the battle going on with our elected leaders and news media hype of negative things against our troops.
Like Bert I have had the Honor to visit military bases to see our men and
Also Bert the military of our day was made up of some the best people from all walks of life from the draft, northerners, southerners, many different type individuals who were not blinded by colors but were all brothers serving this great country. Today’s military is awesome in their high tech developments and being a volunteer for military service does make for few weak links in the chain due to a more positive attitude doing your duty. Many of our era lost great friends and warriors, and we will never forget them. The same goes for todays warriors they know our era of Veterans will stand up for them always and we like their familys are ready to always support them. They call us their older brothers and sisters who care about them and know we are all in the same Fraternity of warriors for life. The best thing that came out of
W.G. Fitts Vice President of
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Neo-Patriotic Doublespeak Exposed!
What I saw at Fort Sill was a military that is second to none. All around me were soldiers of the highest standards, who exhibit professionalism I did not (by a wide margin) experience in my Vietnam-era service. Men and women wear their uniforms with pride and carry themselves in a manner that should make every American proud. I was in awe.
The bumper sticker proclaims: I support our troops!
For the most part, Fort Sill soldiers are not Airborne, Rangers, Special Forces, or anything specifically commando qualified. They are however extremely well trained and act accordingly and the soldiers I came in contact with represent our overall level of military standards and expertise. Our military believes in the mission. They take their service to our country seriously and do not appear soft or cowardly in any way.
I want to add a sidebar here: Every person serving in our Country’s military is there by choice. I’m not sure we will have this level of quality, if the Draft is reinstated.
The Neo-Patriot Doublespeaker proclaims: I hate George W. Bush! Worst President ever…but I support our troops!
Something has changed recently here in our country and I find it very disturbing. It reminds me of an attitude I experienced during the last of the Vietnam War days. I’m seeing a shift of opinion that left unchecked, will ultimately harm our military and it’s systemic and cancerous. In fact, I don’t think most people even realize it is happening. It’s what I’m calling neo-patriotic doublespeak.
Angry politically partisan people are bombarding every avenue of communication over the supposed ineptitude of George W. Bush, calling him “the worst President ever”, a criminal, an idiot, a fool, and every imaginable negative thing and then, they throw this on the end but… “I support our troops!”
George W. Bush has become the villain in their eyes. George Bush is their enemy. He is the reason everything is wrong. He can’t do anything right. Every decision he makes only makes them madder, but…”I support our troops!”
Okay, let me lay this out in plain old minimally educated logic and see if it adds up. Let’s say I sidle up to your children every day and tell them everything you do is stupid, ignorant, criminal, and do my dead level best to undermine you in every way possible and when I’m done, I yell out…”I support you kiddos, though! Have a nice confident day and go off and be productive, cause I’ll be back tomorrow to give you another helping! Oh! I forgot to tell you, you might be killed out there, because those idiot parents of yours don’t have a clue what they’re doing”.
Our troops take their orders from the Commander in Chief, who just happens to be the President of the United States.
Osama bin Laden, in his 2001 “Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places” proclaimed “We have seen in the last decade, the decline of the American government and the weakness of the American soldier who is ready to wage Cold Wars and unprepared to fight long wars. This was proven in Beirut when the Marines fled after two explosions. It also proves they can run in less than 24 hours, and this was also repeated in Somalia”.
The bottom line is this. Broadcasting, bickering and eye-gouging with our current Administration and ultimately the troops confidence in the Mission will suffer. Undermine the effectiveness of the President, ridicule his every decision, and finally forget the Jihadists declaration of war in favor of partisan politics and the only thing that will be accomplished is our military will become infected with doubt. Ultimately, they will see themselves the same way returning Vietnam Veterans did. Baby-killers.
American Neo-Patriotic Doublespeakers who claim they are supporting our troops, while on a hell-bent for leather mission to tear down our current government are playing directly into the hands of the Jihadists. Our Country’s status as a Superpower is not guaranteed. It can be lost overnight. The whole world is watching and we need non-partisan politics more than ever.
Friends, the next time the words “I support our troops” rolls off your tongue, make sure there are no strings attached.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Greatest Southern Rock Band?
Which band truly deserves the title “Greatest Southern Rock band of all time”? I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am going to get drug over the coals for this column, but I’m going to tackle this difficult subject anyway. Looking through an Internet list of eligible “Southern Rock bands”, which includes Michigander Kid Rock and
Each of these eight bands have left a serious impression on Southern rockers and just a few cords from their unique music styles, will cause memories to rush into our minds. “
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Don't celebrate with gunfire
This New Year’s Eve, someone in the Baytown area decided, for some ignorant reason, to celebrate the incoming year by firing a gun into the air, maybe more than once. I guess they never gave it a serious thought, or the probability the bullet would not land harmlessly in a field somewhere.
Maybe the next time that character decides to celebrate a holiday by firing a gun into the air, the bullet will fall through their windshield and then they can “figger it all out.”
I do not want anyone hurt, even the uneducated person firing the gun. I’m giving this person the benefit of the doubt, calling them ignorant and uneducated, because no educated person would willingly fire a bullet into the hemisphere where people live.
Fact: A .22 long rifle bullet can travel up to a mile and a half when shot into the air.
A couple of years ago, I found a 9mm bullet stuck in a shingle on my roof. It must have been fired around the Fourth of July to stick in the shingle like that. I have it in my lunchbox and occasionally, I’ll pull it out when the subject of shooting into the air comes up. Based on the angle of the embedded bullet, I could figure the trajectory. It came from my own neighborhood.
Joe Foster, a buddy of mine, told me he found a bullet in the hallway of his trailer. Looking up, he saw a hole in the roof where the bullet had came through. It was a 9mm.
Mythbusters aired an episode on whether a fired bullet still has enough energy to actually kill a person when it falls from the sky and they felt it most likely could not. It was an interesting episode, but it could happen, as the victimized lady in Baytown proved.
Fact: Hunting ammunition is more lethal than military “full-metal jacket ammo.”
While hunting, numerous times I’ve heard a shotgun blast in the distance and had lead pellets fall all around me. One time while hunting in Central Texas, I heard both a rifle shot and a ricochet sound that could have came straight out of Hollywood. I ducked, but it would have been too late.
Prior to the invasion of Iraq, I watched Saddam Hussein fire a rifle over the heads of his countrymen. Each time I saw it, I remarked how stupid, dangerous and inconsiderate it was. It appears that anywhere people can get their hands on an assault rifle, they feel compelled to “rip off a clip” of ammo into the air. Somewhere, someplace there are innocent people with bullet wounds from this activity and now we have one in Baytown.
I’m hoping against hope the police department will declare what caliber of firearm was used for this crime and it is a crime. Maybe someone will come forward and make restitution to the poor lady. It’s the only responsible thing which is acceptable.
Fact: What goes up must come down. It’s called gravity.
I was shown a pump shotgun by a Hunter Education Instructor, which had a large dent in the barrel. It seems the owner had been duck hunting from a small skiff when he spotted a large fish swimming by. Since there were no ducks around, he figured the fish was a suitable target and sticking the muzzle of the shotgun under the surface, he pulled the trigger. I know. It defies even basic logic. The water acted as a barrel obstruction and blew a hole in the side of the barrel.
Another duck hunter fell down while going to his blind. The muzzle of his Browning over and under shotgun stuck in the mud. No problem, he thought, I’ll just shoot it out. BLAM! No more expensive shotgun.
This year, more than anytime I can recall, it did indeed sound like World War III in Baytown. I asked a buddy at work about the fireworks available and he told me there are “mortars” available that really put off a boom. I don’t know, but I kept thinking my ERT beeper was going to go off. Surely some plant was going up in smoke!
New Year’s Eve was a beautiful cool night with stars shining brightly. I, like the lady in Meadow Lake Village, stood in my front yard looking up in the sky, my little doggie scampering around my feet. “Muffin” was afraid of the cacophony of sounds, the star-bursts and whistling thingamajiggies.
It’s a good thing I had my safety glasses on. Next year I’ll bring home a hardhat and face shield.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
The Saddam - Osama Connection
The bulk of
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