Monday, January 15, 2007

Vietnam Veteran speaks out

Bert Marshall wrote an Excellent article in Sunday Jan. 14th, 2007 Baytown Sun (Neo-Patriotic Doublespeak Exposed!). It is great to see some one like Bert speak out for our men and women who have served our country in the military of the past and present in a way that hits home with everyone. He is right on target about the lip service we hear from both Democrat and Republican leaders, and their party followers about how they say they support our troops, but then turn their backs when confronted with Veteran Affair issues. It is sad that in our Government we only have less than 18% of our Government leaders who served in Armed forces; I think you will see change coming on that.

So you can see why many leaders both Democrat and Republican make poor decisions when it comes to troop needs. Like Bert I to have a son serving our country in the military and I am proud of him and all the troops who have taken the Oath for our Country’s Defense. As a Vietnam era Veteran it was very disappointing to see my era Veterans go through a war time with no support and Bert is right on target saying its starting to happen to today’s troops due to the battle going on with our elected leaders and news media hype of negative things against our troops.

Like Bert I have had the Honor to visit military bases to see our men and women who serve our country, I get e-mails from military friends and family serving our country and they are all TOP GUNS 2nd to None Americans. I am a very active person in Veterans Affairs and I see who supports the troops and who doesn’t. In Baytown Texas and the surrounding area we have many businesses and neighbors who come forward to help Veterans and family’s and I hope they continue to do that for our troops. Many Veteran organizations have joined forces to support today’s and yesterday troops and we now have a combined Veteran Center in Baytown Texas at the VFW Post 912 location, it consists of Veterans of Foreign Wars, Vietnam Veterans of America, American Legion, AMVETS, Disabled American Veterans. We are there to help and assist all Veterans, if you served, you deserve to know and get your benefits.

Bert it would be an Honor to have you and your son and all our Veteran neighbors join us anytime, you and others should come by and see how we fixed the VFW hall up with military flags and pictures that show who Veterans are and what we stand for. I was very impressed and proud to read your article about one of our area hero’s who made it home Sgt. Nick Marshall.

Also Bert the military of our day was made up of some the best people from all walks of life from the draft, northerners, southerners, many different type individuals who were not blinded by colors but were all brothers serving this great country. Today’s military is awesome in their high tech developments and being a volunteer for military service does make for few weak links in the chain due to a more positive attitude doing your duty. Many of our era lost great friends and warriors, and we will never forget them. The same goes for todays warriors they know our era of Veterans will stand up for them always and we like their familys are ready to always support them. They call us their older brothers and sisters who care about them and know we are all in the same Fraternity of warriors for life. The best thing that came out of Nam and Korea was “Life Flight” many life’s today are saved due that great skill of helicopter pilots and rescue teams. Thanks Bert maybe you will open some eyes to reality.

W.G. Fitts Vice President of Vietnam Veterans of America.

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